Weekly mini goal challenge -- week of 5/15

Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
Weekly mini goals really work! They allow us to adjust focus in the short-term while still aiming toward a broader long-term target. Setting small goals also provides opportunity to challenge ourselves and (maybe) create new habits.

A weekly mini goal can be scale or non-scale related. Done right, smaller incremental goals let us enjoy an accomplishment here and there along the way, but, ideally, are never set so high that they cause undue stress if we fall short.

If you want to join in this challenge, just jump in!

What is your weekly mini goal this week?

How did you do with last week's mini goal?


  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Last week: 5 days under 1800 calories. I got close. Definitely under on 4 days, and one of my over days was within 125 calories which were offset with activity. But still not close enough to call the goal met.

    This week: my goal is to "make a better choice" at least once each day. I'll keep a record either here or in the MTBC thread. (I'm traveling and doing touristy things in NYC Thurs to Sun, so this should be a good and achievable goal).
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Last week: increase steps three days to 10K, four days at least 7,000+
    Had four days over 10K, two over 7K and one 6,212 day.

    Strive for a loss at Thursday WI, that would be six WIs in a row with a loss!
    I was up .2 so my losing WI streak ended.

    This week vary my food choices with some different choices. Try some new items for variety sake. Get out of my rut'
  • RedSassyPants
    RedSassyPants Posts: 392 Member
    I'm Doing this again!!

    Last Week
    Add 3 days of cybex (minimum 30 minutes) - DONE
    Create two new recipes - DONE and EXCELLENT!!! 1 will be done regularly
    NO DAIRY AT ALL - Yeah....Ok....I did ok for 5 out of the 7 days. LOL

    Add 3 days of Treadmill (minimum 30 minutes)
    Create two MORE recipes
    No Dairy at all (I mean it this time)
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,576 Member
    Mine was to stay within my target 5/7 days. Tracking was a disaster so total fail.

    This week it is to average my target 5/7 days staying within +/-150cals at the same time after talking to my nutritionist.
  • susan092907
    susan092907 Posts: 364 Member
    My goal was to end the week with a daily average calorie intake below my daily calorie target. I was over by 100 calories.

    This week, I have a 3 day family event going on next weekend, and I know I'll be looking to maintain, and not lose. With that in mind, my goal is to track everything I eat, and to be very aware and respectful of hunger and satiation feelings.