do you have a goal or challenge you have set for yourself this week?

eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
My challenge has been that I lowered my calories down 40... yes 40, but since that day I have struggled like I lowered it 4000. All mental. So for this week I want to get this under control. Second, I am going to get back on track with my steps..My current daily goal 3250.

What about you?


  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    additional thought...
    several yrs ago saw a PBS show abt two groups challenged to climb some place. They were given a set amount of time to train.
    In each group 2 or 3 people were not up to the skill level as the rest of the group.

    In one group everyone successfully reached the summit; in the other group only a few succeeded.

    The difference...
    In the group with limited people reaching the top, each person had broken off and trained separately, and rarely spoke to one another.
    When facing the actual hike, they also went separately.

    The other group had chosen a different method. Although they also trained separately, they spoke to one another often, a minimum of once a week, I think it was. Then during the actual hike the stronger ones, although they could have easily completed the hike on their own, did something different... they stayed together, encouraged each other... walked along side. Their result was all had success, and rejoiced not only in their own win, but also for each in the group.
    I have found it hard to share struggles, to risk feeling judged... so easy to isolate. . . MFP has great tools, other people who know so much. The group thing .. another tool meant to use for encouragement?
  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    how to lose...there is NO one size fits all..

    you have to find what works for you.

    so many variables...
    physical body challenges, food likes/dislikes, time, emotions, metabolism, dollar resources, people resources

    finding balance.

    a continual learning curve.
    staying with it through all peaks and valleys
  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    eventually maybe someone will write on here besides me...

    celebrating last week.. all 7 days steps at or above 3250.
    next week keeping same step goal, but adding exercise video daily starting at 5 minutes, with additional five minutes added per day.
  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    for MY body wellness, some foods &amounts don't work for me. some movements my body craves more of. Even though may fall within certain guidelines, it is still incredibly individual.

    ***Retraining my brain to understand and accept these facts takes work***

    ... some days are harder than others. And even in failure, in fact a lot in failure, you fine tune what works/doesnt for the complicated you.

    daily wellness NEED
    ✔water... level _____
    ✔nutrition amount... level _____
    ✔sleep... level _____
    ✔movement... level _____
  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    how is your ac or heater working?

    thermometer measures where you, like scales and inches, dress that fits, how much can carry or lift. Charts tell where you are and range of where you want to be.

    thermostat is setting what the thermometer gets to.  the goal... where you want to be in chart. 

    ***But the WORKING*** of the heater/air conditioner controls where thermometer goes. 
    So for wellness/fitness ***actions*** determine outcome.

    1 chronicles 22:16b...  arise and work.