Hi, my name is Cathy and I have weighed 306 for the last 5 years. I am here to find support and to offer support. My first goal is to lose 7 pounds in the next 3 months (very attainable), while improving my eating habits and activity.
Hi everyone. I'm Michelle. I've been bouncing between 300 and 345 lbs now since my early 20's. Its frustrating!! Hoping to meet other peeps like me :-) I recommitted this past week and so far I've lost 5 lbs so here we go!!! :-)
da b da denial anger bargaining depression acceptance the steps of grief today I am at anger... ●anger over losing my previous relaxed non-aware way of eating, and not caring if I exercise or not. ●anger at the things I have learned I should do but don't... how stupid can I be: doing same ole same ole gets same ole same.…
you cannot fail unless you quit
My challenge has been that I lowered my calories down 40... yes 40, but since that day I have struggled like I lowered it 4000. All mental. So for this week I want to get this under control. Second, I am going to get back on track with my steps..My current daily goal 3250. What about you?
Am I the only one who needs assistants with putting on, and tie-n my shoes???
How have you fought the good fight today?
300+ where I started, but NOT defining who I am or where I am going... An introduction and start. We all have it... that blah awful place of yuck. A recognition of my life is not working as it is. THEN YAH! YEA! YEAH!... however you spell it. for each of us here, We DECIDED to make a change, ...which also quickly…
Welcome to my group! Please introduce yourself!