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the steps of grief

today I am at anger...
●anger over losing my previous relaxed non-aware way of eating, and not caring if I exercise or not.
●anger at the things I have learned I should do but don't... how stupid can I be: doing same ole same ole gets same ole same.
●anger at myself for not being grateful for all my blessings. Today is the Lord's day; a day set aside to focus and worship Him. More than other days I should set aside my petty grievances.

Yet here I sit fuming inside... tired that the process is not going faster. It feels like my body has alheimers of arithmetic from my view of calories, even if truth is that my own non-___ (fill in blank with almost anything)___ is the true reason.

choice: change ... or ...
stay at miserable weight and health, which will likely decline more witbout change.

I miss, that to successfully reach my health goal, I can't be relaxed and just enjoy, but instead must stay vigilantly aware. I resent having to change.

choice: change ... or ...
stay at miserable weight and health, which will likely decline more witbout change.


  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    ok... over my pity party...
    get back on it
  • eaalonzo11
    eaalonzo11 Posts: 30 Member
    ...frm a book by d colbert...
    If not pleased with results, you can intervene...
    . .. must change the way you think...
    ...break the automatic negative.

    practice, practice, practice.. until you remember positive words when you need them.
    Change is possible. You CAN change.

    decide to have attitude... I will not be denied my health (even frm myself)
    Matthew 7:7-8 keep on... keep on.. keep on..

    2 Corinthians 10:4-5. ...weapons ...of warfare... mighty in God... thought.. captive

    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
    Matthew 7:7-8 keep on... keep on.. keep on..

    for everyone who keeps on asking receives, and who keeps on seeking finds, and who keeps on knocking [the door] will be opened.