What do you do after the day you overeat

ferd_ttp5 Posts: 246 Member
I can't avoid eating such so much food, drinks and sometimes alcohol or wine on gatherings, buffet, parties and other celebration so I could say it's a overeating day I could inhale 4000k in one sitting (I'm logging that all up) I doesn't feel any guilt or any self discouragement but I know the scale after a week would be honest. so I post here to find some support and tips after the day you overeat, some of common suggestion is to exercise the next day is It good so? Getting back on track the next day Is also good for me and for the others what other good suggestion can you give to me so I would be more accountable the next day. I'm trying to maintain weight with a weight range of 149 to 154 pounds. Thanks


  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I eat my maintenance level of calories the day after. I read that its easier to stop an overeating streak, resulting in like days or weeks of overeating snd giving up, by eating maintenance calories or more for a couple of days. It works for me. I also look at macro content. Am I missing something, like more fruit (carbs). Am I getting the minimum needs for protin and fat every day? That usually helps me get back on track. Best wishes. Remember, one or two days overeating won't show up on the scale, and if it does, it will go away very quickly.