The Classics

theowlbox Posts: 912 Member
Are you reading a classic book? How's it going? What made you read it and what are you getting from It? What strikes you?


  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Not right now, but I recently read The Twelve Chairs by Ilya Ilf.

    I read it because The Little Golden Calf is one of my favorite Russian novels.

    I got a lot of laughs out of it, it was very funny. What struck me is how universal certain archetypes are--the lovable rogue, the hapless beaurecrat, etc., even across temporal and cultural divides.

    The Little Golden Calf is, in my opinion, much better. I recommend reading that if you like Cohen brothers films like Oh Brother! Where Art Thou?. If you want more, The Twelve Chairs will be there for you with more ha-has.