My weak kick-help, please

girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,262 Member
OK, my long time swimmy friends, I need some help. I've mentioned before that kicking is my downfall. For about a year, I found that a 2-beat kick was super helpful for me. It wasn't helping my speed, but it was keeping other things like body positioning better while I worked on other stuff. About a month ago, I started a 6-beat kick. I find that I still drop a kick every now and then (as in--stop kicking, and then start up again), but if I focus, I can keep kicking. However... my hips drop (this was part of my original problem with kicking and I solved it by kicking furiously, which led to all sort of other problems, which took me to the 2-beat kick). I do some drills, I use a kickboard, and both help. I find that when I use a kickboard for 25, and then front crawl for 50, it's a better front crawl because using the kickboard helps my body remember to stay long.

So, if you're able to follow me... self-talk works really well for me. I swim and just repeat something over and over. I can't figure out what to tell myself to get my hips up, keep kicking, long legs, flat body, etc. Any ideas?

Oh, and as long as you're here... lately when I use my fins (the shorties), I find my feet and calves getting tight. How to ensure that my kick is actually coming from the hip??

Lots of kick problems. Discuss... ;)
And as always, thank you!!


  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I'm needing to improve my kick too.

    Have been reading about the need to improve ankle flexibility and they recommend siting back on your pointed feet to stretch ankles so that you get more water in kick. I'm going to have to suck it up and do lots of kick sets in the pool both for endurance and speed.

    Will find the links I've been reading
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I have found that when I'm pacing for long distance my kick relaxes. Conservation of energy I guess.
    My kick raises holy hell when i sprint.
    For me it may be a matter of finding a better pacing kick.
    Kick board with fins drills help with strength.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    As Emma says, ankle strength plays an important role, as does core strength for your body position. Sounds to me like your body position might be a big part of your problem.
    Anyway, here are some more videos that might help
    The first 2 minutes is a bit of theory but after 2 minutes, there are some useful excercises that might help

    This one might help with some insight on other aspects besides your legs and strength and how they affect your kick