Capital Punishment



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What would actually happen is if this barbarity were tolerated long enough is it would become part of the zeitgeist. We would grow used to the idea of watching a fellow human electrocuted in a chair. Eventually some people would get to the point where they would think nothing of it.

    Those that argued against it would be seen as radicals.

    It would become traditional.

    It would turn our world in the kind of place that I would not want to live.

    Generations of children would grow up in this world thinking of killing a simple and dispassionate thing to do.
    I think I agree with you. Executions were public for a long time in human history, losing fingers, hands, whatever -- all common punishments for crimes. People still committed crimes.

    I don't think the death penalty is much of a detterant (sp?) and I don't think it would be no matter what. But I do think there are certain crimes so heinous that the world is better off if that person ceases to be alive in it (like Charles Manson). I do have a problem with the fact that there have been innocent people put to death. Our system is good, but it is imperfect and that gives me pause.

    I support the death penalty for those who are without a doubt guilty, but we're humans and we something judge people that harshly and it turns out to be wrong. That frightens me.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Meh. I disagree. I think that there is a way to do it that manages to keep it from becoming common place, if only to execute some people randomly for smaller crimes so that no one know for sure exactly what crimes with get the executed. It would be like a lottery above a certain level of crime and despite the sentence, they would still be available to be executed live on Friday Night Lights.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I see we have left the realm of serious discussion and entered the realm of sarcasm. In the spirit of this fact I think we could take a page for George Carlon's book and use the guillotine instead of the electric chair.

    We could put it at the top of a large hill and the head would roll down a hill in to a one of 5 numbered holes and people could bet on which hole they think it will be. The government would get a portion of all the proceeds and the money could be funneled in to health care and education other things which would help society as a whole.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Yea the plea sucks but......what would the case have been like?
    Would those girls, or well now ladies, have to go to court and testify? Relive the horror?

    Me thinks he'll get his due in prison anyway.....know what I mean ;);)