New Here

BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
Hi! I need some accountability from other women like me. Please feel free to add me.
Here's my info:
Age: 33
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 123 lbs
Pant Size: 6
Goals: To drop 1-2 more pant sizes. To tone my body. To have a visible 6 pack. I don't mind losing more weight or staying at my current weight as long as I like the way I look.

I'm also a mom to three kids ages 3, 6, and 8.


  • raegohlman
    raegohlman Posts: 2 Member
    wow I'd say you've done a great job already!
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    Thank you!
  • Bluebell2325
    Bluebell2325 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, I am similar! I'm 5'2", weigh 122lbs, size 10 (uk) and wanting to tone up and understand what I eat as opposed to losing a lot of weight. I'm a mum to son 12 and daughter 10. New here and want to learn (as I feel I know nothing really about food, I've been very lucky and never really had to "watch what I eat"). xx