Quick/Easy Meals for LCHF

1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
edited May 2017 in Social Groups
I was hoping to start a thread that people can look at for the 'I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking much' kind of meal. A lot of LC recipes look really good, but I don't want to spend more than 15 mins cooking when I'm in that frame of mind.

So this is what I found this week and it works for me.
Sort-of Taco
Brown up some hamburger meat, mix in Mexican seasonings (whatever you like, I used the fajita seasoning bottle this week). Once it is cooked, I get a couple of baby romaine leafs put some cheese on them, then some beef. I keep the extra meat in a ziplock for quick fixing later.

Bacon, Ham and Cheese 'sandwich'
I also did a 'sandwich' with the baby romaine leaf, piece of bacon, sliced ham and cheese (I saw Keto Mom do this for family this week).

I have tried other lettuce for replacement for bread, but it didn't really work out. These baby romaine leaves are awesome, just enough structure, light on the taste, and a bit of a sweetness, with some good crunch.


  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hard-boiled egg, mashed coarsely, olive oil, paprika, salt. MIx. Wrap in either cheese slices or finely-sliced ham. Or to hell with it. Throw caution to the wind.

    Cottage cheese, chopped almonds, chopped green olives, olive oil, salt. Mix. eat.... Funny quip about 'Biggest Loser' deleted. It could be taken the wrong way, and i have a lot of nice Friends here.
    It gets lost in the written form....
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm good at this! I have a frozen shoulder so I look for super easy stuff.

    Hard boiled egg (or canned chicken or tuna) with mayo, an avocado and a quarter of an onion, mix all, serve in a bowl or low carb whole wheat tortilla.

    Halved hotdogs, broiled or grilled to bring out flavor, topped with pizza toppings, heated till melty.

    This seems hard cause it takes all day but so easy: big chunk of roast, a Tbsp Italian dressing and one onion in the crock pot. Cook on low all day, add frozen broccoli an hour from the end. No water or other liquid needed.

    Sliced deli meat (ham, turkey, roast beef) and cheese on salad greens. Usually I use spinach or half half. Sometimes I add an egg if I have some hard boiled ones in the fridge.

    Sauté two peppers and an onion in oil/butter till cooked. Add a pound of deli sliced roast beef, further cut into strips. Stir till hot, add cheese. Yummy. Sometimes I sub fresh spinach for the peppers or add mushrooms.

    Heat ham (it's already cooked), and make with a pkg béarnaise sauce made with HWC and water instead of milk. I usually make this with fresh steamed asparagus.

    Pound chicken breasts flat (they cook really fast this way and tender) and fry in butter/oil on the stove. Stir in a grainy mustard at the end. Add a veg. Done.

    Find a low carb butter chicken sauce (tikki masala). Heat, add chopped up rotisserie chicken. Serve over green beans as "rice". This is really yummy. My grocery sells a jarred sauce in the ethnic foods sections that has 4 carbs. So worth it.

    And what I'm having tonight: grilled brauts outside on the grill (add a grill and hubby never complains he has to cook, go figure). Brush on a good grainy mustard toward the end. Get a pre-shredded bag of cabbage (coleslaw mix), and make it with sour cream and/or mayo and whatever herbs and spices appeal to you.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Addendum: I decided last minute to put tonight's brauts with the coleslaw inside a low carb whole wheat tortilla. Yummy.
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    One of those two pound blocks of sharp cheddar. One jar of those Tasso's jalapeno and garlic stuffed olive from Costco. One knife (optional).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I prepare a bunch of different vegetables and protein combos and freeze them in ziplock bags. Easy to stir fry or heat up with a sauce.

    Hubs, the otherwise vegetarian, likes what he calls "nosh night", which is just nuts, dark chocolate, olives, chopped raw vegetables, rocket/arugula, cheese, sometimes pepperoni... on a plate.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    I spend time preparing meat and freezing them for a simple fast meal. Ground beef, pulled pork, chicken, etc. An instant pot helps speed up food prep too
  • melluc2
    melluc2 Posts: 92 Member
    If you have mason jars, you can prep your breakfast. I know breakfast can sometimes be the most difficult meal to organize. I like doing a 'keto porridge'...because before i always had cereal or porridge for breakfast and old habits die hard.

    1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (sweeten with stevia if you'd like),
    1 tbsp chia seeds,
    1 tbsp flax seeds,
    I tbsp sunflower seeds, with cinnamon and vanilla to taste.
    75g of Greek yogurt and
    1/2 cup of blueberries.

    [If I do this the morning of, I replace the almond milk with boiled water and 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil melted in for a warm meal. Also, the chia seeds are ground up with the sunflower seeds to merge better with the liquids. :)]

    Shake well and let it set over night. A yummy porridge-like meal for breakfast that's filling! Or maybe....it's just something I like! Haha
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    I don't have a mason jar but I do make a similar bfast. I call it Chia Porrige (just cause I like the word). I just stir it well in a Tupperware, and fridge overnight, but I've found its key to go back about fifteen minutes after making it and give it another good stir. It prevents clumps.

    Another plus: it keeps for days. I make a big batch and eat a little each morning with some berries to sweeten it (I rarely add sweetener to it, but those Torino syrups work good). I've tried lots of liquids including various concoctions of almond milk, Greek yogurt, HWC, cream cheese and water. Sometimes a mix of several, usually just the almond milk alone.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    I prepare a bunch of different vegetables and protein combos and freeze them in ziplock bags. Easy to stir fry or heat up with a sauce.

    Hubs, the otherwise vegetarian, likes what he calls "nosh night", which is just nuts, dark chocolate, olives, chopped raw vegetables, rocket/arugula, cheese, sometimes pepperoni... on a plate.

    I like the Nosh Night idea. Perfect for a planned movie night. I need to do that soon.
  • EggToni
    EggToni Posts: 190 Member
    My go-to, non-cook snack or meal is to wrap some salame around a slices of mozzarella with a dinner salad.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Cook a double meal and freeze in meal sized portions. Build up your own supply of microwave meals. They make for good lunches too.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    edited May 2017
    Just_Eric wrote: »
    One of those two pound blocks of sharp cheddar. One jar of those Tasso's jalapeno and garlic stuffed olive from Costco. One knife (optional).

    I forgot about those olives, thanks for the reminder!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    I like Atkins egg salad this week
    8 large eggs
    1/2 cp real mayo
    3 tsps Dijon mustard
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp pepper

    I left out the celery it calls for.
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    I don't see it listed yet.. bun-less burger. Always quick and easy. I like cheese on mine and you can fancy it up a bit with another garnishments(grilled onion, mushrooms, mayo, etc)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Omelet with cheese and vegetables (and bacon if you want it) is always easy and is my dinner if I don't want to think option, as well as a breakfast one.