UnDoctored: New book by William Davis (Wheatbelly)



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thanks for the bump. While getting off of added sugars and all forms of all grains was an intuitive thing in my case that predated find MFP and this subgroup Wheat Belly did pull some things together as to why my new WOE was working so well for me and still is.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Thanks, @RalfLott! So far, I really like the book. Interesting perspective on modern medicine and the lack of "health"care from today's physicians.

    Yes. I liked it too until he got into explanation of his "Wild, Naked and Unwashed" which his his specific program that must be followed 100%. It all had great points but I really have a hard time with a "This Is the Only Way" approach. Especially when it is 100% of everything 100% of the time.

    Frankly what spoke to me most was his little tangent on overuse of disinfectants, sterilizers, etc in every day life.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Yes. I liked it too until he got into explanation of his "Wild, Naked and Unwashed" which his his specific program that must be followed 100%. It all had great points but I really have a hard time with a "This Is the Only Way" approach. Especially when it is 100% of everything 100% of the time.

    Frankly what spoke to me most was his little tangent on overuse of disinfectants, sterilizers, etc in every day life.

    I must not have not have gotten there yet. I have a hard time with anything 100%. My weight loss journey has been a compilation of a lot of strategies from different weight loss approaches!

    His humor does crack me up, though. :)

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Here's just a couple of quotes from "Undoctored":

    " I cannot stress how important 100 percent adherence to the Undoctored nutritional program is...". That's from location 6615 on Kindle. Here's another:

    "FOLLOW THE UNDOCTORED PROGRAM- in its entirety, not one, two or even a few strategies, but the entire program, in order to take full advantage of the powerful synergies among all of its components-and achieve extraordinary and glowing health. (from location 6376 on kindle).

    It was a good read though. He addressed many interesting concepts.