JUNE Challenge

retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
Wow, we are at the half way point for 2017.

Are you getting near your goal weight?
Are you maintaining?
Have you met a goal and want to go further now?

This challenge thread is a good place to work on those issues. Jump right in.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    I hit my goal weight, in fact, I went a few lbs. lower, I want to stay under my goal weight for my birthday July 2. So this is my challenge. I will also be on a 5 day trip with my sisters, so eating on my current plan will be challenging. I plan to pack some goodies because I don't think where we are going will have what I will be needing. It is a mountain town and far from a major metro area. At least I will have miles of trails to walk, at altitude.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Love your idea !! I'm not near my goal weight, I would like to lose at least 5 lbs by July 1st.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Getting closer to goal, this last 10 pounds I've been playing with on and off the last two months. Got to get better and get rid of it. Trying to stay back on track today. Even though most days I'm staying within calorie its not working guess I'm having too many carbs. Carbs do not like me.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    @wandadakc, I like your new meme :).

    @Ming1951, I found that carbs are not my best friends either. I do eat lots of veggies, mostly greens, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, jicama, squashes, and I can eat berries without much issue. But potatoes, pasta, and breads stop me from losing and trigger cravings for me. Since I got a spiralizer, I can still have my "pasta" dishes. I have fathead pizzas with I crave those.

    I do not have a sweet tooth really so my idulgent is my chocolate fat bombs because I love very dark chocolate. They are simply 100% cacao powder mixed with melted coconut oil and a few drops of stevia, then frozen. I'm too lazy to temper them, but if I wanted to I could. But just freezing them works ok, just can't transport them, they have to be eaten before the coconut oil melts down again. I can't believe I can just walk by all other chocolate displays in stores now. Chocolate was a real weakness of mine, and even at 80% too much sugar.

    Both of you need to be very mindful that your bodies have gone through a lot recently, make sure you don't push the exercise too intensely.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Everytime that I log my food it is so obvious that I consume too much carbs, and sugar. WELL. Time for a wake-up I have to see. I've been stuck for quite some time @ 29lbs loss, I did walk one mile today
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Making up a food chart to help me " visualize " smarter choices
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    wandakc..good job on the walking a mile. I've been doing a mile in the AM and weather permitting another in the PM. This week I upped the AM to 2 miles., but its a bit too much so I'm scaling it back some. I am feeling like my body is getting bigger instead of shrinking so I think though my weight goes up and down I really need to get back to my strick dieting, with my nutrisystem foods. I was doing so well with those but since I've been adding real food back I'm also eating way too much portion wise and my old habits are coming back. At least I am aware so hopefully I get get back on track. I think I will pre-plan what I will eat...that should help and I need to stay out of the grocery. I bought crackers n cream cheese, though I can have them in the right portion I seem to eat them at one sitting till they are gone. So...bye by crackers n cream cheese. Well I'm off for my morning walk, then this afternoon I have PT.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Up 3lbs.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    What happened to my reply ???
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Ok start over, It's clear I will not make my goal by July, however if I can lose 3 lbs by July 2nd I'll be satisfied with that. Have a great day.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    @Ming1951, glad you are progressing in your recovery. Funniest thing, if you don't buy something, you can't eat it. I have a few items that do not enter the house any more. I tried a diet delivery services once, and found out very quickly, I could do better very easily and at about half the cost. Glad you can at least see your goal line, 10 lbs more. While they can be stubborn, they will come off eventually.

    Wandakc, Did those three come on quickly? If so could just be water weight. Good luck on getting them off by July 2. My goal is to still be under my goal weight, as that is my birthday, so I really want to be within the "normal" range then.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    I'm getting quite motivated with my loss this AM, really looking forward to my weigh in on Saturday! Going to go to the Farmers Market this AM and pile up on Veggies !!

    Have a really great day !!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Just a quick check in. I am below my original target weight this week, so on track to be there for my birthday in July.

    I actually got called thin by some ladies I only see about once a month :) And they did not say it in a negative way, they know I struggle with my weight and are very supportive of my efforts. Made my day.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yes I know there are items I just should not bring in the house. I really have to stop, but I've missed them but I find I can't control the portions so I think its all gone now so I should be ok. I was doing nutrisystem foods, which is good for me as they are all portioned. Going to get back to that for awhile but rankly I'm tired of them but they will get me back on track. It always make you feel good when those who hasn't seen you in a month notice your loss. Good job at staying under so you can enjoy your birthday. I am finally finished with my PY so I've moved to the other side and will work with a personal trainer for 4 weeks 8 sessions, just to learn the machines and to keep that knee moving so it can continue to limber up,. I walked around my neighborhood this morning, 2 miles. Its been raining everyday still so I'm a bit behind, plus it was 81 degrees and humid at 6:30am. ugh. I think I may like the gym I start next week.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    One of the things I do is cook up batches of meals and divide them into portions, so I can just grab them out of the fridge. Takes a little time up front, but it is so easy to stick with an eating plan that way.
    Do you use a digital scale? That is one of my fav tools. I also love my spiralizer for making noodles from veggies. It helped me kick pasta off the menu permanently.
  • rbnb
    rbnb Posts: 11 Member
    One of the things I do is cook up batches of meals and divide them into portions, so I can just grab them out of the fridge. Takes a little time up front, but it is so easy to stick with an eating plan that way.
    Do you use a digital scale? That is one of my fav tools. I also love my spiralizer for making noodles from veggies. It helped me kick pasta off the menu permanently.

    If I preportioned meals in the fridge, I'd sneak an extra one!