Dr. Joel it in June



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Too bad about the strawberry experiment. Ours get mushy fast once they are in our fruit salad. I like it much better on day 1, but the prep every day is too big of a hassle. Nice to hear it cooled off a bit for you! I hate the heat and have so much trouble sleeping if its hot. Is your headache gone?

    I am going to check out a Jeff Wheeler book, Mihani. I got the first in the first in the Kingfountain series through Kindle Unlimited. Is your Unlimited membership how you came across this author?

    I am very picky about watermelon. The one we bought was full sized, but I think next time I might try one of those little ones they sell.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Carla, I did discover Jeff Wheeler through Kindle Unlimited. I think after I finish Mirrowen I am going back to crime novels for a bit. I may have OD'd on magic and fantasy for a while lol.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I know what you mean about OD'ing on a genre, especially fantasy.

    Our broccoli in the garden was looking like it was about to flower, so I harvested it. Hopefully it still tastes okay even though the buds aren't as tight as they should be. I'll throw that in a stir fry with some of the fresh peas from the garden and tofu. The peas are doing great. They grow really well in this climate and are among the first things to be ready.

    With the warmer weather headed this way, I think I'll also blend up some banana 'ice cream' to go with our fruit salads.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Yay for fresh broccoli Carla! I actually went to return the last Mirrowen book and there is a 4th Kingfountain just released so I got it. I love kindle unlimited!

    Going to bake some potatoes, steam broccoli, cauliflower and collards, and make some more E2 hummus. That should get me through 4 or 5 days on track. Took the day off to do some cleaning, catch up laundry, got the portable A/C hooked up in my room. Can't wait to get a good night's sleep. I was thinking I might just hang out in my room and read for a while this evening. I also found my long lost Fitbit One!! I moved a big cedar chest to get at the dog hair behind and under it, and there it was. I must have dropped it and then the cats played with it until it disappeared under the chest. I've used the vacuum attachments to clean under it but hadn't actually moved it out for a long time, obviously lol.

    I went on a chip spree the past few days. There are these organic quinoa chips that I bought on a whim and they are so good. I realize they are not my food, and I shouldn't be eating them, even though I justify it with well they are healthier than some other types of junk food, but they have oil and too much salt. Not going to buy any more of them. I really want to get the weight I've gained back off and then continue to my goal. I'm blowing it on weekends with alcohol and too much junky stuff like the chips.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Spent about 7 hours in the office today then stopped to visit a friend. Stopped and grabbed two containers of baby spinach. Made a pot of oatmeal this morning with chopped power greens, enough for breakfast tomorrow too. Topped with a few walnuts and chopped mandarin orange. Lunch was a bowl with lots of power greens, wild rice blend, black beans, steamed broccoli and cauliflower and collards, big dollop of salsa. So good. Dinner sweet potato with more black beans and collards.

    I figure I have enough cooked and prepped for 4 more days, then I'll have to do more prep work. I didn't end up making the E2 hummus, would rather rely on potatoes (white and sweet), rice and oatmeal this week, less bread. I plan a full on E2 week. I'm down 11 pounds though. I really want to push through and make this work, until I'm back down to 150. I feel "okay" at 150, although obviously I would much rather be 130's for both health and appearance.
  • hoffman2300
    hoffman2300 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone, I just joined and was concerned that MFP wasn't going to be ETL-friendly and was relieved to find this group. I'm not as strict a nutritarian as I'd like to be but I do what I can do....
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Hi hoffman, welcome! We've all been at this a long time and most of us aren't that strict anymore. I think the 6 week plan is pretty rough for a lot of people, but it sure works. I strive for 80% on the life plan, although right now I'm doing the Engine 2 - 7 day rescue just to shake things up and it has really helped me with the emphasis on simple preparation and throwing together bowls and flats. I am planning to do another round of the 6 week plan before too long. How long have you been following ETL?
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hi hoffman! Happy to have you join.

    Mihani, congrats on your 11 lb loss! Mandarin orange in your oatmeal sounds good.

    Back to regression testing at work for me this week. Boring, but I get in some extra hours which will help make up for my purchase of a spinning wheel! I am hoping that the wheel arrives by the end of the week. I am STILL working on my beet tapestry. I remember showing you guys some of the yarn I'd purchased, but I don't remember if I mentioned what it was for. At this rate, I won't have 3 tapestries done in time to submit for the next local art show. This is the first one though, so I am pretty sure they'll go faster after this.

    I'm going to prep mixed grain rice and some pinto beans for our meals over the next few days. I'm not feeling inspired at the moment, but beans & rice is pretty versatile for a bowl, so I'm sure we can work with that. We still have lots of peas in the garden, but that's about all that is ready right now aside from the lettuce.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Nope! Changed my mind. I'm not going to make beans and rice! I know it was only a few minutes ago that I posted that, but I'm sick of half-assing it and getting nowhere.

    I just messaged Joe and he is on board. We're going to do the 2 week plan, strict style. I'm even going to give up coffee again which I haven't attempted in a long time. Normally it is the massive migraines from withdrawal that break me, so I'll drink green tea to wean myself off.

    We are starting tomorrow or the next day, depending on what all I can get done today. Wish us luck! We definitely need it!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Woohoo Carla! Are you doing the 6 week plan for 2 weeks you mean? I didn't have any coffee Saturday or Sunday and only 1 cup today, so I'm doing better. It's hard not to have it when the boss has it all ready for me when I walk in and will even go get me a cup if I don't go fill it myself lol. Your energy and the number of projects you have going all at once wears me out just to read about! Love seeing all your artistic creations. Congrats on your spinning wheel! That actually always looked really fun to me. I remember my great grandmother had one.

    Today was good food-wise. Leftover oatmeal with power greens and a few walnuts this morning, but I wasn't too hungry so I still have some left for tomorrow's breakfast. Lunch was an awesome bowl. Arugula, steamed collards, broccoli and cauliflower, black beans, sweet potato, wild rice blend, roasted corn, salsa. I couldn't even finish it all at lunch so I brought the leftovers home and heated it up in a corn tortilla. Worked really late and still a couple things to do tonight so I best get at it. Oh, and half a mandarin with lunch. These are some huge mutant mandarins not sure what they are actually called, but they are so sweet and good.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, after I posted that, I realized that it is supposed to be for 6 weeks...Joe and I never even managed 2 full weeks! The closest we got was 13 days and then we broke and ate everything. I am a lot less enthusiastic about starting this week. I'm already dealing with a 3 day migraine. I'm not backing out, but I think we're not going to do it 100% strict style until Monday. If I didn't remember that Phase 1 lasts 6 weeks, I definitely don't remember the plan in enough detail to follow it without re-reading at least the basics. Oh, btw, if you are still interested in watching 'Alone' you can watch it online. http://www.history.com/shows/alone

    Wow, I wonder what ever happened to your great grandmother's spinning wheel. That would be so neat to find. While practicing with the rental wheel, I eventually got into a nice rhythm and it was quite meditative. Joe liked it as background noise while he was working on his computer.

    We've had about 5 of our strawberries ripen enough to eat. They are so full of flavor compared to the ones we get in the store. We need to plant a whole field of these things! There are never enough.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    edited June 2017
    I thought you were just being realistic about things Carla lol. I really think tackling this a day or a week at a time is easier for me sometimes. Short goals seems more manageable. Like "I want to lose 5 pounds" or "I want to have a full week on track" is more doable for my short attention span mind.

    If you and Joe are starting next Monday then I'd definitely do it with you! I have been contemplating going back on the 6 week plan for a while, but was sort of easing into it with the E2 thing. I have seriously cleaned up my diet over the past 6 weeks or so, and as long as I stay away from the triscuits and "healthy" chips I'm good.

    I wish I knew what happened to GGM's spinning wheel. Hopefully someone in the family still has it. I will have to ask my aunt in Indiana if she knows.

    Yum, fresh picked strawberries are the best!

    Today was another good day... leftover oatmeal with power greens, a few walnuts, and mandarin orange. Lunch same bowl as yesterday except I used up all the Trader Joe's salsa and used balsamic instead. I really missed the salsa. Time for a Trader Joe's trip. Tonight will be leftover potato chopped and heated, on a bed of baby spinach with some roasted chickpeas and maybe some BBQ sauce since no TJ's salsa left.

    P.S. to Carla, thanks for the link. Will check it out!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yay! I'm happy you're going to join in on Monday, Mihani!

    I'm going to take it one day at a time and try not to think about the days and weeks to follow! Unfortunately, I haven't been cleaning up my diet at all, so it is going to be a huge change, but I'm not usually very successful at being moderate. I need hard limits with food.

    I'll have to find my Fuhrman books and come up with some go-to meals. For breakfast, I'll do a smoothie. I'm pretty sure I can make one that is totally on plan. Lunches will be a salad with some warm bits, probably beans & onions. For dinner I think Joe and I will have to work hard to come up with something that appeals and keeps us satisfied. Whatever it is, it will have to feel hearty. Things like a bean chili over greens.

    I haven't tried TJ's salsa. We always get a huge container of Pace Medium, but I always like TJ products so I'll have to try it out. We were planning a TJ trip to get some easy prep foods, but now that we're going to be strict, I don't think we can eat most of it. I like getting their roasted red peppers in jars to have on hand, but that alone doesn't justify a 30 minute drive each way.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    I like Pace Medium too, that's my standby, but I bought some of the TJ's medium when I was there last time and it is so good! I want to get some more. I couldn't believe, when I used up the TJ's, that there wasn't a jar of Pace to be found anywhere in this house. I always have salsa stocked!

    I think any salsa, as long as it doesn't have oil, is ETL friendly. Sodium might be an issue, but I don't fuss too much over sodium. I eat so little added salt as a rule that I don't worry so much about condiments. And I'm totally with you, I don't do moderation well at all lol. Your plan sounds solid. I'll do some shopping and prepping this weekend and be ready to join in. Always easier with someone along for the ride. :) I've been doing great with the E2, but I know if I cut back on all the starches I'd see faster results, which I really want to see in the short term.

    Today was a repeat of breakfast and lunch. I think for dinner a big ol' baby spinach salad with red onion, mango, and roasted chickpeas. It is hot today and I had a huge lunch so I want something light and cold.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I've been struggling to stay on point. Today I've already had toast for bfast. But I did well for lunch. I have a bunch of raw veggies (almost 1lb) and some garlic hummus, and then I have a dragon fruit and some pistachios. For supper we're going out for my MIL bday. I'll probably just get a salad, because I'm guessing there's gonna be next to nothing on the menu for me...

    I also hurt my back on Sunday. I think I was pushing myself a bit too much; I walked 10.2km and I was going about 4.2mph. Might have been a bit too fast for a bit too far before I was ready for it... But it was so nice outside and I was enjoying the zombies and the tunes....
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Hey Karrie! I was wondering about you. I hope your back heals quickly. Back pain sucks. :(

    Today was another repeat day. I really don't mind eating the same things every day if they are good. The bowls are so tasty with so much variety that I don't really get bored. Going to have to come up with more ETL friendly bowls starting Monday though. No starchy additions like rice and potatoes. I like how filling they are with those additions though. Probably switch back to my old standby salads for lunches and have my oatmeal in the morning for my starch serving. Dinners will be cooked veggies, greens, some sort of bean concoction or tofu.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    I've been hearing a lot about What the Health, but can't bring myself to watch it. Apparently it has some rather graphic footage. I get that these documentaries are trying to make an impact, but I don't need those images in my head. I still can't get some of the images from Forks Over Knives out of my head 2 or 3 years later. Has anyone else watched WTH?
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I haven't watched WTH, Mihani. Not sure if I will or not, too hard.
    I haven't thought of any good replacements for the rice/potatoes if I want to keep up the bowls, but once I get really desperate something might come to mind! I haven't bothered having many mushrooms lately, but I know that's one thing I rely on when I'm on plan. I mentioned before the idea of getting dehydrated mushrooms so that they are always on hand, but they are very expensive. I might look for the cans and try that out if they have some that are low or no sodium. I wonder if TJs has them.

    Karrie, I hope you recover quickly. It is so easy to overdo it when you're feeling good and enjoying yourself. That stinks that there's not much in the way of food for you at your MIL's place. Can you bring something just for yourself next time?

    A neighbor of ours is cutting our field and using it for silage & hay. They bagged some of it up and it is kinda cool...really makes it look like a farm here! Our strawberries and beans are still pretty much it as far as the garden is concerned. We're still catching mice every night, so there's no point in replanting any seeds until they are gone. It should help that the field has been mowed down. Ever since, I've seen birds on our fence watching the field, hunting for the mice and rabbits. I even saw a big owl on our fence the other morning.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi you guys!!! I'm so sorry I've been a terrible pal this month. I feel like I say that every time I come and post. How are you guys doing?? Sounds like you guys are kicking butt as usual! I'm actually doing it!! I started the E2 7 day rescue on Monday and I've been good! Vegan for my 6th day. I'm hoping it sticks and this is finaliy my transition I've been meaning to do for years lol. I realized I couldn't be on mat leave and eat ice cream and expect to lose baby weight lol. Mark and I have been having lots of delish salads and I'm excited to try some bowls.

    Mihani, do you mind sharing some of your sauce ideas? Also, LOL at half a mandarin!!!! But 11 pounds?! That is amazing!!!! Very proud/inspired

    Woohoo Carla!!! Awesome re 2week strict plan!! So good that Joe is up for it too. Any photos of your amazing home produce?!

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Hoffman!! Welcome :)

    Edie is growing! 7 weeks yesterday and 9 1/2 pounds now.