Here we Go again

bgpeck2 Posts: 28 Member
Well, I've been here before several times...thought I had it this last time, had dropped roughly 60 pounds...only to see it come back, along with a few more...started a new job, and at my physical for it, weighed in at 436...started a low carb diet for a little over a week and expected to be under 430, only to find out that i weighed 446, so, had gained God knows how much in the 2 months of sitting at my desk...either way, I'm back...and this time, i'm making it stick...I'm spending the extra time, energy, and money to shop the way that i should and buy the products that I need to make this work...just my story in a nutshell...


  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Hang in there! Don't sweat any small setbacks & just stay positive. You can do this! If you don't have friends on MFP, I would recommend adding some that will encourage you. I find that the ones I have added have been a great help to me in my journey back to living a normal sized life. I have a long way to go, but I could not do it without friends who are walking on the same road I am on, who are being cheerleaders & encouraging me on as well.
  • shellie_park
    shellie_park Posts: 11 Member
    Keep your head up. We can only go forward and start making healthier decisions than we did before. It is a choice every day so don't beat your self up
  • bgpeck2
    bgpeck2 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks. You are right..but the more I find myself making the right choices, the easier it seems to be. Today for example I was in a seminar all day, where they provided lunch. Normally, they have a relatively healthy option if you are low carbing though was fried chicken, Mac n cheese, biscuits, Cole slaw, and collared greens...I could have thrown caution to the wind and ate...but, I drained some extra water and as soon as it was over, went out and got me a salad to hold me over until dinner...I'm a actually kind of proud of myself.