
susan9 Posts: 47 Member
Is is better to lose faster or slower? I feel more motivated when I lose more then a pound a week.


    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Susan....I would be thrilled to lose 1 pound a week....I have such a hard time losing....I have turtled 2 weeks in a row....I am sorry ready for a loss....but the answer to your question is slower is better in the long run.
  • susan9
    susan9 Posts: 47 Member
    Having problem lately with self control. Need a new start that sticks. Have told myself that today is "day one", but find excuses to let myself slip and eat too much to have a loss. Think about missing a Tops meeting so my gain is not recorded, but "MY EXCESS POUNDS ARE THERE" and will never go away if I lose my support system. I am always glad I have Tops and MFP, too.