New Real Appeal member here

Jimi_1982 Posts: 1 Member
Hi All, I have been on MFP a while but new to RA. How is everyone finding it? One immediate thing I noticed is that I may have to duplicate all my entries whic will be annoying :(


  • karmabear06
    karmabear06 Posts: 62 Member
    I've been using MFP for years now but haven't had major results. However my company offered RA with our health benefits and I figure it may be exactly what I need group accountability and a coach plus all the tools. I have found it very annoying to have to enter everything twice so I talked to my coach and she said as long as I'm logging somewhere that MFP is fine for me to keep using but so she can see what I'm doing food and fitness that it would be best to log 'generic food calories' and the total amount I logged into MFP. I went an extra step though and I am also using the Record Notes on the dashboard to put notes for her to see what I ate and any other important information I want her to know. Talk to your coach and see what they say.
  • misspacman666
    misspacman666 Posts: 3 Member
    I finally had time to set up my first appointment with a coach. But I am curious to weights will work since I have had weight watchers coach Esther in the past and I had minor successes. Has real appeal system worked for you since you started it?
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    I just signed up today. Is anyone still active in this group?
  • brandr1017
    brandr1017 Posts: 4 Member
    I signed up today thru work.
  • slcmartin
    slcmartin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I’ve been using Real Appeal since October but just found this group. I’m down about ten pounds so far. I find having to log foods both here and in Real Appeal annoying, but I like the accountability of having the weekly sessions with my coach.
  • kaniob
    kaniob Posts: 363 Member
    Also finding the double logging annoying - so I'm only logging on here. I liked the summaries I got on Real Appeal, but their database is not as good.
  • hraasch12
    hraasch12 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on week 3 of Real Appeal. I can't stand the tracking/logging on their site.
  • RickSuk
    RickSuk Posts: 8 Member
    I used to double track. Then I got a fitbit. No way was it going to be triple track. Now it's just MFP and syncing to fitbit. I love the RA though. The weekly sessions keep me accountable. I also find that the "strawberry milk" recipe keeps me filled and away from trail mix etc. during the day.
  • astrdomitter
    astrdomitter Posts: 120 Member
    I just started too. I’m on week 2
  • meatbal263
    meatbal263 Posts: 32 Member
    I am also on week 3 and am using MFP as my food diary. I like to log my food in the day before so I can plan my meals and know where I stand calorie wise. My coach said as long as we are using something they don't mind. So far I like it for accountability. I am also a WW Lifetime member but their new program is not for me at all. I need more structure.
  • joyfuljan77
    joyfuljan77 Posts: 26 Member
    I just signed up for Real Appeal today through my husband's employer primarily for for the support since staying motivated is my problem. I've been on MFP for 3-4 years but find myself falling off the wagon and gaining back the weight I lost. Then doing it over again. After poking around the Real Appeal site a bit I found their food tracking lacking quite a bit as compared to the info I get when I track on MFP. I called their customer service and explained the data I received from MFP vs just the calorie count from Real Appeal. He told me I could continue to use MFP for tracking my food and then on the Real Appeal site under the food tracking enter "generic calories", then enter the total calories for the day from MFP. Hope this helps others!
  • llvinciguerra
    llvinciguerra Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2019
    I have been doing RA since August and am down 22 pounds! I like the weekly meetings and accountability. They also have a lot of good lifestyle tips. I am finding that it is becoming more of a habit to be healthy with RA and I feel the weight loss will be permanent. Yesterday the RA app just stopped tracking for me (no connection to the food database). Also, sometimes when you scan a barcode, the result is entirely wrong. I like MFP better for tracking so I think I will move my tracking back here. Good luck to everyone on your journey!
  • gtwrigh
    gtwrigh Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, Is this group still active?