Weekly Post 18.6 - 24.6.2017

KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)
I am down half a pound this week. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
No big plans for this week, just finishing off the house and then moving on to all my other projects that built up over the school year. Wild and crazy times at my house, I tell you what!
Have a great week! Happy Fasting!


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Had a very nice Sunday...run in the morning...first time in about 4 weeks...lungs and legs were good. Felt my left knee blocking after 5k...happens when I don't run regularly... spent the afternoon at/on the Rhine river. A nice little tour on my SUP. Weather has been and will be awesome!

    Will bike to work a few times this week an plan to be more successful on my fast days!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Hello all!

    Congrats on the loss, Kate! Yes, slow and steady is good! I like that too.

    The Rhine River sounds fabulous, Flumi! Glad you are getting some nice weather!

    My weekend was great. Went to the gym both days. Saturday was a little bit of a wash out but we got a lot of stuff done which was good. Yesterday we were able to get to the beach for a bit. Had lunch there which was nice. It was cloudy in the AM and then had cleared up. Our beach has a restaurant that is open all year round and they do all sorts of events with food, bands, etc. Yesterday afternoon they had a singer and a guitar setting up. Then they had a pizza oven with wood fire going on. Need to head back down there some time / more often for those types of events! Thursday Nights it looks like they do Clam Bakes. Need to work that around Thursday Light Days. Maybe switch to a Wednesday some time... LOL

    The weather here is hot and supposed to be a little rainy and stormy through tomorrow AM. Right now it looks sunny but a little overcast.

    Light day happening here. Water and green tea going on. About to have my salad in a bit. I find the longer I can wait the more full I feel until dinner. :)

    Chat soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Fast day is almost in the bag, here. :)
    I saw my jiggly arms in the mirror and then got winded while I was gardening. I think it is time to add in some exercise... YUCK! I am going to try HIIT and a short, daily workout routine that I have used before, with good success. Did I mention I dislike exercise? :p
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    lol Kate! Good job on your loss! Gardening is hard work too! I'm the same, exercise kinda sucks... BUT....I do like my alone time with my podcasts, so that's why I walk!! After my walk I feel really good and that alone makes me want to do more walks.

    Well I goofed earlier today & posted on last weeks messages! I'm still fasting and have only had 4 oz of cottage cheese - was too running a bit late so no diced tomato with it. I'm honestly still so darn full from the weekend I don't even care. I'll have a Cesaer salad with some chicken for dinner. Hopefully I'll be in full control of my willpower and not grab ice cream or wine while watching tv tonight!!!

    The restaurant sounds awesome Meghan! Weather here (Vancouver area) is suppose to heat up after tomorrow, but our beachside decks have all been closed so far!

    Happy fasting people!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I'm calling today a success at 605 cals ! I'll try to stay under maintenance tomorrow but I think I'll do another fast on wed! Stay tuned...
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Hi all!

    Kate, I know what you mean about exercise. I am not a big fan either! I am grateful that my guy and I have figured out a way where we go to the gym together after work.
    When I was going by myself it was HARD. Oh hey look at that traffic is awful - can't go! LOL Oh I am tired, headache, TOM, busy at work, running late, etc. etc. etc. all = not going! :o Now all I try and do is have dinner during the week figured out so that when we get home at 7pm or so all we have to do is heat up something and steam some veggies. Means I have to throw something in the crockpot or cook something on Sunday to have prepped for some of the week night dinners. No biggie.

    Now since there are two of us and I have it worked in to a schedule better, I sort of feel I have no excuse but to go. Last night we were getting crazy heavy flooding rains right at 5:45pm when we were getting ready to leave for the gym and he said - do you want to still go? I said yeah let's go. Honestly if it was just me I might of bagged it! LOL

    Glad your fast went well Mama! Saw your post in the other thread too. LOL Hope your weather gets nice and warm you can get to the beach if you like. ;)

    Monday's light day was good. I find I tend to get a tiny bit munchy at night after dinner, when I am dealing with TOM, but I just drink some water and ignore it and head to bed at a decent time. Today is a new day with regular food. Found out that we have pizza coming in for a work lunch / meeting on Friday. I think I might bring a turkey sandwich in with me instead. I would rather save my calories for the weekend. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    How's it going everybody?
    Things are good here. Quiet but good.
    Today we had lunch outside. Sunny and beautiful out. Same as yesterday!
    Been drinking lots of water and green tea.
    Today I am wearing a summer dress that I had last worn on my vacation - since it is finally warm enough and acting like summer here!
    And I must say it is definitely fitting looser in the tummy area then when I had worn it in early May. So that's cool. B)
    Light day scheduled for tomorrow. Hoping to get to the gym tonight, but we are running late, so we shall see. Funny that I just referenced running late and traffic in my post above. LOL Well if we miss it hopefully we will at least get a walk in tonight because it is beautiful out! :)
    Have a good one and chat soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Quiet in here this week. :)
    Hope everybody is good!
    Ended up making it to the gym last night after all. Woo hoo!
    Light day here. So far so good. Water water water, green tea, blah blah blah. LOL
    Dreaming of the sunshine I see out my office window. B)
    Hope everybody is good! Talk to you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    It *has* been quiet around here. Too quiet. Whay are you all up to? LOL
    I have been finishing up the inside of the house, I will be done tomorrow, take the weekend off, and then start on my garage next week. I love such an exciting life! :p
    I am going to fast tomorrow. I am pretty sure this week will not be a loss, but I shouldn't gain, either.
    Happy fasting!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Hello all!

    Happy to report that I am down 2.6 pounds this AM. *Doing the happy dance* B) I believe that brings me to 25 pounds down which is exciting! Boyfriend is just shy of 40 pounds lost - very happy for him!

    Hope everybody is good and having a nice week. I am wearing my new white jeans and they are fitting nicely. Already got some compliments on them today!

    Today it is hot and humid and supposed to be showers later. Going to head out for lunch with some coworkers today. The meeting with lunch that I had, I was able to get out of. :)

    Since I have lost a few pounds in the last month or so I am going to try on some clothes in my closet to see how they fit. I am some lovely summer chinos (the cropped kind) that were a little snug the last time I tried them on, that may be close to or fitting now. WOO HOO!

    Saturday we are going in to NYC for dinner with friends. Sunday going to the beach. Planning to hit the gym both days.

    Have a good one!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Well, again, I've lost my post on my phone! I keep hitting done not post! arrgh!!!

    I firstly agreed on how quiet it is here!! Meghan there use to be a lot of variety of comments from many people on each weekly forum! I don't know what's happened to them all, perhaps when you're finally comfortable with your weight, you don't need a forum anymore. I do find myself feeling like that now but, judging by my measurements (31" waist!!) I need to remain a frequent user!! :#

    Kate, I am listening to that book of yours.... yes, a tad more religious than I like but I'm getting to the good part now while working out with my weights!! :)

    I found a cauliflower in my downstairs fridge! (whoops) I must use it up!!! Thinking about making a cauliflower crust pizza tonight!?! Has anyone tried that? I need to do a fast day today so I've had my shreddies and almond milk already and that will sustain me until around 4 when I'll have a little yogurt or cottage cheese.... just a spoonful sometimes is all I need. Also making a jug of flavoured water.... I have one of those glass dispensers that sit on the counter so I'll add sliced cuccumber, lemon and some fresh mint to water. Then just fill a glass with lots of ice and add my flavoured water! A great way to get hydrated on this warm weekend!

    Off to work out, garden, do my walk and second walk with the dog then hose off my sundeck! It's going to be hot hot hot here this weekend!!! B)

  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    ooooh! I forgot.... awesome loss Meghan!!!! congrats to both you and your fella! :D:D
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    I finished my house! It really feels like a non-scale victory! It has nothing to do with weight loss, but everything to do with persevering and making it to a goal. :)
    @Meghan509 Congratulations on the loss! Have fun with your weekend plans!
    @mamainthekitchen Glad you are liking it! A lot of the religious stuff applies to everyone. I liked the parts about not beating yourself up if your house isn't perfect and not judging yourself based on the world around you. I wish I could find food in the fridge. With teenagers around, I have the opposite problem! The water idea sounds fabulous, I will have to try it!
    To everyone: Have a fabulous weekend!