Eating guidelines

0Caligirl0 Posts: 38 Member
I'm new here, and am throwing in the towel on a pre-packaged food plan (which will remain nameless). I can stay on it for 3-4 weeks, then go off and binge. Majorly self-destructive behavior. I've been gaining and losing the same 15 pounds for a year! It's time to simply eat right and the weight will come off over time. I also will begin to add activity to my schedule as well.

My goal is to eat 80% clean, without avoiding whole food groups. Limiting my exposure to processed carbs/products/foods.

What is a good outline for what I should be getting. I have the caloric amount on my food diary, as well as my nutritional goals, but I'd love to get an idea if anyone is using some sort of plan or goals like the FDA recommendations (5-7 fruits, protein fats)...