would julyke to hear how everyone's workout went?



  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi. I've been lurking around for a WHILE. Finally joined this group and dug out my husband's old cobwebby dusty bars and weights. I am looking at racks and benches, but couldn't wait to get started. I only have a 13.5 lb bar and a 20 lb bar so I started on Monday with workout A with the 13.5. Skipped Wednesday and did B today with 13.5 and 23.5 for the DL.

    Wicked excited to try this on. I decided on the lighter bar so I can get a lot of practice with form as I keep adding. I've watched just about all of the SL 5x5 videos and went through a bunch of Mark Rippetoe videos as well.

    Welcome to the group! I also started like this, lurking, researching and finally taking the dive. ;)
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    I'd been running about four plus miles about five days a week for about three months now. It's a day off from SL today and I want to do the run. I'm 5'6" 170 lbs - gained a LOT of weight this winter that I'd lost last summer running. Damn Maine winters... Anyway, I don't want to sabatoge my strength training and I was wondering what you guys think. Could I do my typical run today? Or should I only do that on lifting days to keep recovery days recovering? I've kinda seen both schools of thought on that. I could also just take a simple walk today and save the run for tomorrow. I just want to ditch some of this winter weight even though I'm doing the lifting. Sorry if I should start a new thread for this just let me know!
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I would suggest to start a new thread to get more views from those who do both. Right now I run and lift on alternate days. I don't run very fast or have big mileage to avoid any injury from muscle exhaustion.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Bench press 10/10/10 @62
    OHP 3/3/3+ (4) @ 57/62/72. Failed 2 more attempts at 72, just couldn't get past the halfway mark.
    Lat pulldowns 6/6/6 @ 75/80/80
    Assisted pullups 5/5/5 @ 75 CW
    Back raises with 10 lb weight 10/10/10
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited July 2017
    Could I do my typical run today?
    i'm not a trainer and never been a runner, but most of my lifting time i've been a 5-day bike commuter. my own experience was always that it's the lifting that takes the edge off the biking, rather than other way round. i can't remember a time i ever skipped lifting just because the bike ride had been hard - barring those periods where i felt like cycling had aggravated an injury in some muscle that i know i normally use for lifting.

    my tday workout went well today, yay. didn't get my top sets for either of the lifts, but still a good time. press 55/60/[strikethrough]70[/strikethrough] and deadlift 135/155/[strikethrough]175[strikethrough]. i think i went in intending not to do the heavy deadlifts all along, just because of that injury. and the press, pmuch same really.

    fun part though was:
    three weeks ago i couldn't wiggle my pinkie toe on the left or even begin to separate any of them from one another. or get their undersides flat on the floor. i still believe this is part of why my entire left side keeps getting hurt. i can't anchor myself on the left side. no wonder the left side does less work and keeps getting hurt by the work that it does have to do.

    so now i've sort of got my rehab for that thing underway, i've moved on to obsessing over my left pinkie finger as well. it folds inwards. i physically cannot grip the bar on that side without that one folding under the ring finger, unless i let go of the bar with my right hand and forcefully move it out of the way. gee, ya think this has something to do with why my left triceps and rotator cuff muscles keep getting hurt too? watch this space

    tl;dr: mr t is a grip fanatic so we nattered a lot about the left hand, and then i had a brainwave halfway through press warmup sets and tried doing them with the axle instead. IT WORKS. fatter bar lets me line up even my left fingers, and having my left pinkie square on the bar lets me activate everything that's connected to it because i can use it fully.

    i still didn't get even one 70lb press, but mr t watched me try and realised that i'm dropping my elbows under the bar before i even start the lift at that weight. because scared to commit the back of my left shoulder to it, is why. because i don't have my pinkie in the game to activate it. i did try it several times and get stuck at about the nose the first two or three . . . and then at the hairline on the last one. so it's one of those 'not yet' things but i think it's hopeful.

    i finished up with some static holds with 70 just to get myself used to the shelf thing with a full grip on both sides. and some turkish getups. oh yeah, and pulldowns later at the rec centre because i'm so high on this working-left-shoulder idea.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    5@43lbs 3@47lbs and 1(+2)@52lbs
    Skullcrushers 3x10@28lbs.

    5@117lbs 3@139lbs and 1 (+2)@147lbs.
    Bulgarian split squats 3x10 each leg@22lbs.
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Did squats, BP, Bent rows and two mile run. Feeling great and hopefully back on M,W,F next week. Week one of SL done! For now, I'll just run on work out days and maybe sat or sun too and see how it goes.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    repeated 95 3x5 squats today, and repeated the bike ride as well. really really really trying to do *various things that seem to help calm it down and keep it calm when i'm just living the rest of my life*

    now waiting to see how my hip deals with it. if only this issue would hurt in the moment, instead of having this four-to-six-hour lag. i have this suspicion it might be the cycling that's really doing the damage, so it's kind of important for me to find out today what kind of shape it's in now. need to plan transportation decisions about tomorrow.

    bleh. but still, i did repeat 95 pounds for my squats.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Squats 5/3/1+ (2) @ 120/140/155. Disappointed I couldn't pull out more for the 155 but I just felt really tired and the second rep was uuugggllllyyy so I stopped there.
    Deads 4/4/4 @ 120
    Bulgarian split squats 10/10/10 per leg with two 12-lb dumbbells
    Hanging leg raises 10/10/10
    Bodyweight hang: 35 sec. Lame, but my hand were just too slippery. Liquid chalk next time!
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Did workout B (squat, overhead press, dead lift) today followed by a 30 min run. So far loving it! I think that's what I'll do, shorter cardio only on lifting days so that the rest day is really a rest day. I was running four to five days a week for about 50-55 minutes. This is only the fourth lifting workout so far.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Trying out Sheiko # 29

    Day 1 - bench/squat

    bench 1x10 @ 45, 1x5 @ 55, 2x4 @ 65, 2x3 @ 75 and 5x2 @ 85
    squat 2x8 @ 45, 1x5 @ 105, 2x5 @ 125 and 5x5 @ 145
    bench 1x5 @ 55, 1x5 @ 65 and 4x4 @ 85
    db fly 5x10 @ 15
    good morning (standing) 5x5 @ 105

    And to see what I changed, here is what the excel sheet had laid out for day 1.
    bench 1x5 @ 58, 2x4 @ 69, 2x3 @ 81 and 5x3 @ 86
    squat 1x5 @ 108, 2x5 @ 129, and 5x5 @ 151
    bench 1x5 @ 58, 1x5 @ 69, 4x4 @ 81
    db fly 5x10
    good morning (standing) 5x5
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited July 2017
    bench day . . . mailing it in. kind of.

    bench was all i did. the weird semi-guilt about not seeming to be able to take form seriously or even find it until the weight is at least a little bit serious still going on. i got it together at 65, did 75 and then elected to stick to 75 and actually use pretty good form for the first time in months, instead of pushing it up to 80 or 85 just for the number's sake.

    trying to lift like a grownup, i guess. in the same spirit i did as much slowwwww lat work as i could on the pulldown machine, before someone else got on it. i've been seriously neglecting the lower trap/rear rotator housekeeping work, and it shows.

    oh yeah. and since the form worked even if they weight was low, i made up for not doing a top set with 3x10 at 50 instead. so i should have rowed a whole lot more than i did, and i'm probably going to have the posture of an orangutan tomorrow. so much for 'grownup'.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    So... was feeling extremely proud of myself.
    Got my 5x5 bench at the weight (85lbs) that I had roll of shamed twice the last time I attempted it, and hadn't attempted it my last bench session because my pride still hurt. Today it was easy enough I put 90 up just to see if it would be possible next time, as I lift alone and tend to be fairly conservative. with the exception of the roll of shames mentioned above generally want to be certain before I change weights.. Well it went well... so I tried another 5... this went on until I 5x5'd the 90lbs as well. (Yes, my chesticles are going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.). And I was feeling all on top of the world, and proud, and I see another gal loading up the bar (this in itself is strange at this gym!). She also put up 85 Lbs, and is like half my size.

    It is amazing the misconceptions and assumptions my mind made despite not liking those made at me. I won't cover all of my dumb thoughts. But oh was I ever wrong. And her form was lovely, no half reps like most of the guys even do.

    Turns out my "omg I finally did it!!".... was her warm up. Like I am a total introvert and don't talk to people at the gym, ever, but I broke that rule today to tell her what a total bad *kitten* she was, when she was done with her work sets. But gosh she inspired me to push harder the whole rest of the night. And reminded me to remain humble, as well.

    Also, to note, she appeared to be lifting with her boyfriend, and his friend. And it added to her badassness that they waited until she was done with her sets, and proceeded to unload plates from what she lifted for their sets.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited July 2017
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    So... was feeling extremely proud of myself.

    well, you should. that's a HUGE sneak-stockpile of bench strength you've been building just by doing whatever you do.

    i know the sudden reality-check thing though too. last week this dev on our team had some kind of low-back thing and was limping around, and he knows me in a vague kind of way as 'athletic' [hah]. so he was asking me various questions - this is a guy who knows absolutely nothing about lifting of any kind.

    so somehow i got into explaining why 'bad for your back' is a bit of a myth with deadlifts (i mean, i did tell him DO NOT DO THIS without supervision if yours is jacked up. do not do it without supervision even if it is not) . . . i have him the full rippetoe, and it led to him really wanting to know how much i deadlift myself.

    i made the mistake of telling him my proud heaviest-ever weight. told him it was my lifetime pr, told him there's no way i can claim being able to do it whenever i like, told him i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be able to actually. and does he listen? does he hell. he's so impressed because i look so 'fragile' [hah] to him, that he goes and tells the next dev who comes into the room. 'you know how much she can deadlift?'

    yeah. well, next-dev is a 20-something guy and [we now find out] a powerlifter himself. facepalm. le sigh.

  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,081 Member
    edited July 2017
    Oooh, 9 days on. Heels still painful. Swelling gone down almost completely on right heel. Left still giving me jip. Bah! I wish I could sit all day with my feet up, but I am on my feet a good part of the day at work, and....am sticking to 5 x 5, no more running for me for a while! (it was only 3miles, arrrgh! and it was fine the first time I did it)

    Anyway my upper body strength is overtaking my lower at the moment. Am up to bench 50kg (110lbs), OHP 37.5kg (82.5lbs) and row 55kg (121lbs). Cannot wait to get back to heavy squats and deads. Am going to hit the leg extension and leg curls today, to see how the muscles feel and to avoid agitating the ankles/heels. Ibuprofen and ice are my friends : )
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    Ugh...feeling crappy and irritable and bloated...

    Worked out anyway

    Deloaded squats - 120lbs - 3x5 - nice to be able to do this weight with 3min rest now instead of the 5min I needed a few weeks ago

    OHP - 66.5lbs - 5/4/4 - was supposed to be 66lbs, but I brought the wrong fractional weights!

    Deadlift - 175lbs - 1x5

    I absolutely was not going to put a heavy barbell across my hips to do hip thrusts today...ugh, I hate TOM...
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    So, today I was doing sumo squats with a dumbbell- and someone called ME the badass...she couldn't said she couldn't imagine picking the 55lb dumbbell off the rack, let alone using it. So the warm and fuzzies I gave yesterday came back my way, which is an awesome feeling.

    Also, there is a trainer at this gym who I've seen work with several folks, and I like what I see. So, I figured I would try a session, and perhaps at least get some form checks. Do you guys have any words of wisdom or advice when trying out a trainer? Questions to ask? Information to provide to them?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    Do you guys have any words of wisdom or advice when trying out a trainer? Questions to ask? Information to provide to them?

    yanno, i personally am all about watching them work when they don't know that you're watching them. i didn't find my trainer that way, but doing that let me eliminate all the ones who work out of the rec centres i was lifting in, for one reason or another. and doing the elimination was really helpful because it led to me thinking about why each of them would not do for me. so that let me discover and build a list of criteria.

    if you like what you see about the person's rackside manner <-- see what i did there? honestly, i think that's probably the biggest thing that i relied on.

    i rode to work today and since i'm trying to do this actually-intelligent elimination thing to try and isolate exactly what activities cause my problem, i skipped any lifting. but i do have plans to go do cable pullthroughs and also single-foot switching, on a day where doing tht won't muddy the question 'is it the cycling that does it?'
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sheiko #29 Day 2

    deadlift to knees 2x3 @ 135, 2x3 @ 155, with belt 2x3 @ 185, 4x3 @ 195
    incline bench 1x10 @ 45, 4x6 @ 75
    seated dip machine 5x5 @ 91 (5 setting)
    deadlift from box 1x4 @ 145, 1x4 @ 175, with belt 2x4 @ 195, 4x3 @ 225
    curtsy lunge 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 75
    cable abs 3x10 @ 70
    35 minutes on treadmill
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    my cunning plan to do cable pullthroughs and the one-foot switch exercise and become totally stellar thereby fell apart a little. not that i don't still like both the ideas, just that in practice they were as difficult to get right as anything else would have been.

    so after a while i ditched both of them and did deadlifts. self-imposed extra challenge: GRAB the floor with left forefoot and don't let it go. i'm now able to totally spread those toes , by the way \o/ three weekends ago i had to go look for little foam-rubber accessories to get any air between them at all.

    still working on other aspects of the same foot - still doesn't feel like i can totally flatten that forefoot agains tthe ground. feels like the ball of my foot is convex from side to side :wink: but the floor-grabbing rule did really change the mechanics in my left leg. which really changes my 'effective' strength, naturally. still, i got all the way up to 155 for 5 at a comfortable level of exertion, so i can't help doing math and thinking about how much weight that will probably lead to once this mega-neglected part of my anatomy catches up.

    fingers crossed, and i did cable pulldowns too with my stellar new 'serious' left-handed grip. 3x5 at 35, just heavy enough to feel satisfying but not heavy enough to overtire.

    feeling good.