Struggling Today

I've fallen off the Keto wagon, between 3 late june birthdays and the 4th of july my diet has been low carb at best and certainly not keto. I'm exhausted and aching and craving sugar like crazy. I've even gained a pound back.

What are your favorite tips and tricks to stick to keto around food centered celebrations? Favorite tricks to get back on track when everything makes you want to reach for something carby and comforting?


  • vysila
    vysila Posts: 27 Member
    Rats, I forgot to click post. I don't have a whole lot of advice because I'm in the same boat. Right now I'm trying a very specific 2 week keto challenge and I will not deviate from it, not letting myself even think about something else. I'm not hungry, that's for sure. As for celebrations, maybe eating a keto meal before going to the event?

    I'm also eliminating all artificial sweeteners entirely, no keto baked goods, no stevia in the coffee (ugh, that's hard!), to see if that gets rid of those pesky occasional sweet cravings.
  • Meredith_MI
    Meredith_MI Posts: 12 Member
    Could you take your own Keto treat to the celebration and enjoy it while the others are having cake? My cousin is Type 1 Diabetic and that is his go to solution.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    My son just had a birthday and I wanted so badly to eat a cupcake, but I didn't. It was hard but once I put it out of my mind and reminded myself of my goals, I was ok...sort of. LOL. I guess there will always be temptation, and I don't plan on resisting everything forever, but I felt like it was too soon to be kicked out of ketosis, as I've only been doing this since July 30th. The good thing is, is that we can get back on track even if we do get kicked out of ketosis. Try to remember why you're doing this. And if you do happen to sample the sweets, don't beat yourself up about it. But who knows...maybe you will find them too sweet and not as enjoyable now. In fact, telling yourself that you won't enjoy it might be a way to keep you from even wanting to indulge. That's what I do with bread, potatoes, and other starchy carbs... I remind myself of how bloated and uncomfortable they make me and that's enough to make me not want those things.