Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,032 Member
    Shoot. Lost my post. Synopsis below.

    @CMorning99 That's a lot going on. I'm surprised anyone builds in CA.

    @swenson19d I'm glad you are happy with your current living situation.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @swenson19d - I am so happy to see things falling into place for you even if Eric is continuing to be terrible! I am sure getting your Dobies back will be wonderful. Is someone home during the day who can let them out/take them for a walk so they don't get too bored? I hope you can get to a place to have more of your animals around. I am sure Beary misses you and doesn't get nearly the attention he got when you were there.
    On counseling - one area of need I have seen is counseling for caregivers. We have it here but I have a friend in FL whose mom is going thru the same PC as me and her brother was diagnosed with intestinal cancer at the same time. She has been taking care of her mom (in MD) and worrying about her brother who is having an exceptionally rough time. She is depressed and feels guilty about it. We stay in touch with email and texts and I referred her to some services thru She's been trying to get into see a therapist in FL but the wait is really long.

    @quilteryoyo - hope you are having a wonderful trip and enjoying all the family!
    @CMorning99 - So glad the trial is over an you can put that stress behind you. I do hope the property issues get resolved soon. Seems like all state/county processes are backed up and with the deficit they are other not filling positions or letting people go.

    I am heading off on a new adventure tomorrow. My DD scheduled herself for a mini vacation in Montreal, QB and invited me to join her. It is my break week from chemo (started again just this last week) so it worked out and with some encouragement from the PA, the oncologist said OK. This is my first flight since Covid so a bit nervous but DH and DD colluded to get me business class seats so I don't have to wait in lines or be squished in with a bunch of people. I do need to wear my mask in the airport and for the most part on the flight. We have passes for all the museums, plan to do some shopping and just explore, and maybe fit in a spa day - more for DD than me. I love Montreal from when I spent so much time there for work.
    So I never posted about the CT - the news was not good and set us on kind of a roller coaster. Since the chemo was ineffective and the tumor showed growth they stopped the chemo and set me up for a very promising clinical trial. Unfortunately it ended up I didn't have the right mutations for the trial so I am back on a chemo regimen very similar to what I had last year that was effective. If it is effective this time I will stay on it for ~6mos while they look for additional trials.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,032 Member
    @shanaber Thanks. We had a great time on our trip. We got back late last night, so I haven't picked up Tippy from the boarder yet....going to do that in a few minutes.****I hope you are enjoying your trip to Montreal! Sounds like a lot of fun! I look forward to hearing all about it. ***** Sorry to hear the news from your CT scan. I hope you are able to get into a clinical trial soon. I know you have probably looked into it, but are you a candidate for immunotherapy? ****** Great big hugs to you. I love your attitude! I'll continue praying for you and your family and that they find a treatment that will help more than what you have had so far.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I hope your fingers are feeling better and they are just bruised and not broken. Can you move them ok, without too much pain?
    @swenson19d - how are the dobies doing now that they are back home with you? Hope your Memorial Day getaway was nice! Do you have a court date yet?
    @CMorning99 - hope things are progressing on the property plans and that the survey company is getting their act together.

    We had an amazing time in Montreal! Walked and walked and walked and hit so many museums, the botanical gardens, insectarium and biodome (indoor sort of zoo). We also ate so much! Bread, croissants, Greek food, French food, poutine, bagels! Yum!! I was totally surprised when I got home that I lost 6(!) pounds. I honestly was hoping I had gained a few but nope. We did walk over 15000 steps mostly every day.
    So far I am tolerating this new chemo better than the last. Very similar to my first regimen. Have to wait until the end of July for the next CT to see if it is working. I sure hope so! I also asked the oncologist about other trials I may be eligible for and he is having the research team check into it further. I am going to do some of my own research with another organization,, and then I can pass that info onto my doctors.

    With the MFP newsfeed going away we may see some 'new' folks join here like @polskagirl01