Challenge for August, 2013



  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    How does this work? So, I will be ready for September. Do you just set your own goals and then post on here to keep yourself accountable and for support?

    Exactly. Figure out what you want to accomplish in the month, write it in the September Challenge topic (coming soon), and then check in on it during the month (encouragement and accountability).
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch. Will measure on the morning of July 31st. I've more than done this, I'm upping my cardio work just to make sure I hold the line through the end of the month.

    2) Log 100 miles walking and/or jogging. I'm currently at 62.5 miles. The time on planes, mild dehydration and jetlag have caused me to cut back my miles some. That plus I'm devoting some of my cardio time to the elliptical machine to up the calorie burn (not counting those miles). I'll still make 100,

    3) Log at least 18 weight training sessions. I've done 13 weight sessions so far. I should make this one, although I'm going to take this afternoon off.

    4) No beer in August. So far, so good.
  • grewmullins
    grewmullins Posts: 16 Member
    Hey thanks for the support. I appreciate it. I was checking out the August challenge updates and have to say I'm impressed. Will definitely keep an eye out for the September Challenge. Very cool.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Update as we swing in to the final week of August

    I have completed 3 weeks of New Rules of Lifting Break-In workouts and next week doesn't look difficult for completing all 4 weeks.

    I think the no beer in August bit is now a shoe-in since I managed to get through my week in Australia without drinking a beer. Thank goodness they make some nice wine, too

    And yes, while I was in Sydney I had a very nice cigar that was not able to be imported in to the USA. :-D
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch. Will measure on the morning of July 31st.
    I'm at 36, which is one inch lost. Hoping I don't retain water for my final measurement on Saturday morning.

    2) Log 100 miles walking and/or jogging.
    All the travel, and the calf injury have put me way behind on this. I'm only at 72 miles. I'm probably going to fall short on this.

    3) Log at least 18 weight training sessions.
    Logged #16 this afternoon. I'll get 17 tomorrow, but not sure where I'll fit in the 18th (Driving to H'burg on Friday, football w/tailgating on Saturday).

    4) No beer in August.
    I've made it so far. Saturday at the tailgate will be hard, but I'm not going to blow the month the last day of the month.
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    For August:
    1) Continue to stay under my allotted net calories, 90%
    2) Continue the walks 4-5x weekly, for 80 miles
    3) Continue my strength training 4x weekly
    4) Add sit-ups/crunches and push-ups to my daily routine
    With that said, if I complete all four of my challenges, I don't see why I can't lose another 6-7 lbs. That would put me below 185 for the first time in at least 16 years and close to normal on the BMI chart.
    SW - 247
    GW - 177 "Normal" BMI
    CW - 191

    I did pretty decent this month. I logged my calories. I had 17 brisk walks for 73 miles. I only missed one of my 4x/week workouts (plan to get my 17th this afternoon). I never quite got into the sit-ups and push-ups. I do want to get them in my schedule for next month.

    I had three weeks of virtually no change in weight, which I attribute to working out/building muscle. But a couple of stubborn lbs came off this week and I can say I dropped 5.4 pound for the month. Still a half pound over 185, but with only 5-10 lbs to go, I'm not going to complain!

    SW - 247
    GW - 175-180
    CW - 185.4
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Okay, I'm going to do my update on my August challenge today rather than tomorrow. I am very happy and I need to give all you guys props for the monthly challenge that helped me keep on track. Thanks all of you!
    - Complete 4 weeks of New Rules of Lifting Break-In workouts
    - No beer for the whole month (first 5 days are a success already)
    - Get from 198 to 195 with serious rigor on my eating.
    - Increase my protein intake to at least 120g a day (which is not exactly easy, it turns out)
    - smoke at least one beautiful, not available in the US, cigar while in Australia this month :-D
    - I have completed 11 of my 12 New Rules of Lifting Break-In workouts. I will do my 12th workout tomorrow morning.

    - So, I drank one beer this month. There was a single IPA left in the beer fridge and I drank it Monday night. Not quite success, but considering my normal monthly beer consumption ....

    - I lost 4.5 lbs this month ... My calorie deficit should have had me going from 198 to 195, not 193.5. I won't argue.

    - I actually was averaging much closer to 140g protein a day.

    - Yes, I had a great Cohiba while I was in Australia!

    I also dropped an inch from my abdomen, 1/2" on my waist, gained 1/4" on my biceps and maintained my neck. I think that will add up to a 2% decrease in body fat next time I have it checked. I was able to progressively load my lifts every single workout, too. I may have one more thing to add to this later today. We will see.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    August goals.

    1. Lose 6 lbs. Goal weight 225.
    2. Continue strength training 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes per session.
    3. Add 5-10 minutes of warms ups, before workouts, and 5 minutes of stretching at the end.

    1. Lost 8 lbs. CW 223
    2. Started out well with strength training, but completely failed in the last 2 weeks.
    3. When I did workout, I did warm up and stretch.

    Have a great Labor Day weekend.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Lou, awesome on the weight loss though .... you are getting really close to that goal weight!