"What the Health" on Netflix



  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I made it all the way through. Please don't congratulate me. I couldn't tell you one word they said after the first few sentences; I was laughing too much to focus..... :D:D
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I saw a friend a couple of weeks ago post on FB about watching it (it took every ounce of my willpower to not leave any kind of comment) and now I see her posting vegan recipes. I'm just so...

    Yet another reason to ditch FB. :s
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    edited July 2017
    My wife is vegan so I ended up watching this with her. While I found some of it interesting it just seemed off to me, way more so than Cowspiracy. When I am with my wife I do eat low carb plant based (yes it can be done) but for the most part away from her I tend to eat what I want in the LCHF realm. My opinion on "What the Health" is that is was made for Vegans to reaffirm their way of life (which isn't wrong IMHO) but it didn't seem like there was any room for informed debate most of the interviews seemed forced and the interviewees didn't want to be railroaded. The interviewer went in primed to attack without an open mind. Now with that being said I think there is an unhealthy relationship with Big Ag companies and our politicians and organizations that receive donations from them being swayed by their money. I am sure the sugar lobby boohoos LCHF anything and the dairy lobby wants to add the cheapest cheese to everything in every meal to boost profits. It is difficult to make an informed decision when every corporation releases some new "study" in benefit of their product vs some other.

    No matter what there are better ways to get our food whether you are omnivore or strictly vegan. My wife eats some of the worst sugar laded vegan food out there. Also much of the factory farming industry has gone down the tubes all in the name of profit. I guess what I am trying to say is there are always better choices to be had. "What the Health" is, in my opinion, a propaganda piece on their end of the spectrum but I have seen the same on the opposite end of that spectrum as well. There are better documentaries out there with a more balanced sensible approach if you ask me. I still like Food Inc. for some of the basic information contained in it and I think Polyface farms is the right way to farm because that is the way my grandparents and my great grandparents farmed.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I like to watch or read it all. I buy what I buy. I eat what I eat. I'm not easily swayed. I'm open to trying most things. There is most likely no one true way for a lifetime.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I like to watch or read it all. I buy what I buy. I eat what I eat. I'm not easily swayed. I'm open to trying most things. There is most likely no one true way for a lifetime.

    That's another kicker - we change. (Many of us did well enough on wholesome low-fat fare - and much worse :s - when we were in our 20s & 30s and constantly in motion...)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    xerogs1 wrote: »
    My wife is vegan so I ended up watching this with her.
    No matter what there are better ways to get our food whether you are omnivore or strictly vegan. My wife eats some of the worst sugar laded vegan food out there.

    Really strict vegans do not eat cane sugar. Cane fields are burned before they cut the cane, because of the snakes that live in the fields, along with field mice, some small ground nesting birds etc. Remind her of this when she wants to eat items made with real cane sugar. Lots of it around and they are starting to label even soda pop with that.

    I used to be a vegetarian, and I got a lot of crap from vegans who didn't like anyone using sugar or honey. So glad I don't hang out with that judgemental crowd anymore.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I like to watch or read it all. I buy what I buy. I eat what I eat. I'm not easily swayed. I'm open to trying most things. There is most likely no one true way for a lifetime.

    That's another kicker - we change. (Many of us did well enough on wholesome low-fat fare - and much worse :s - when we were in our 20s & 30s and constantly in motion...)

    So true. In my early years, I never had to monitor what I ate. I was mostly vegetarian in those days. The occasional holiday meal with a turkey or ham or the rare summer pig roasting. I was lower carb starting in the mid 90s with the Zone diet (40C/30P/30F). I lost on that initially but couldn't keep it off, I went on it and off it for years, yoing-yoing up and down. Until I decided to give LCHF a go, I did Atkin's induction plan for foodies last July, and I don't plan on eating any other way again, Low carb Healthy Fats all the way now. Because bacon and fatty steaks contain healthy fats.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I like to watch or read it all. I buy what I buy. I eat what I eat. I'm not easily swayed. I'm open to trying most things. There is most likely no one true way for a lifetime.

    That's another kicker - we change. (Many of us did well enough on wholesome low-fat fare - and much worse :s - when we were in our 20s & 30s and constantly in motion...)

    So true. In my early years, I never had to monitor what I ate. I was mostly vegetarian in those days. The occasional holiday meal with a turkey or ham or the rare summer pig roasting. I was lower carb starting in the mid 90s with the Zone diet (40C/30P/30F). I lost on that initially but couldn't keep it off, I went on it and off it for years, yoing-yoing up and down. Until I decided to give LCHF a go, I did Atkin's induction plan for foodies last July, and I don't plan on eating any other way again, Low carb Healthy Fats all the way now. Because bacon and fatty steaks contain healthy fats.

    Switching to LC should join colonoscopies in the 50s welcome wagon!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    Really strict vegans do not eat cane sugar. Cane fields are burned before they cut the cane, because of the snakes that live in the fields, along with field mice, some small ground nesting birds etc. Remind her of this when she wants to eat items made with real cane sugar. Lots of it around and they are starting to label even soda pop with that.

    I used to be a vegetarian, and I got a lot of crap from vegans who didn't like anyone using sugar or honey. So glad I don't hang out with that judgemental crowd anymore.

    Sounds more like a Jain lifestyle... jainfoodie.com/jain-food-restrictions/

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    <refresh> for @Riche120. :wink:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Omg! That's a horrible documentary! And people will cling to it as gospel!! I'm so glad that I know otherwise!
  • Riche120
    Riche120 Posts: 154 Member
    @RalfLott Thanks
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I got through 30 minutes and the ENTIRE time I was silently rebutting and making mental notations about their "facts" or "sources". I finally gave up. This is one of the most slanted pieces of "journalism" that I've seen in a long time. Just awful.

    I got through about 30 minutes of it as well. I kept saying: why is this getting so much attention on Facebook?? Why have 2 of my friends suddenly become vegan from this video????

    I'm a VERY plant heavy eater and I couldn't believe the propaganda in this "documentary".
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    edited August 2017
    My bestie recently became vegan partially because of this documentary. Hey if she likes how she eats now and feels great then that's awesome but I feel she's taking this film as fact. I wonder how much I'll be able to get through without getting a neck ache from shaking my head too much. She may have me watch the whole thing (I'll be watching it with her). Will report back when I've watched it.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    My bestie recently became vegan partially because of this documentary. Hey if she likes how she eats now and feels great then that's awesome but I feel she's taking this film as fact. I wonder how much I'll be able to get through without getting a neck ache from shaking my head too much. She may have me watch the whole thing (I'll be watching it with her). Will report back when I've watched it.

    Heck, if you are head-over-heels about any diet (well, ok, maybe not the Tapeworm or Cigarette Diets...), it's bound to give you a boost - lower stress levels, lower cortisol, lower insulin.....