Any ideal ketones level?

descicero Posts: 2 Member
I started the keto diet 8 days ago. Today is the first time I test for ketones using the urine strips. Its purple, quite high at 8mmol. I'm a type 2 diabetic and my sugar level this morning is 4.7mmol. Any cause for concern? Is it normal for beginners?


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited July 2017
    It's totally fine. You can't get ketoacidosis if your body produces insulin. So there's no reason for concern. And if there were you wouldn't be able to post a question on an online forum because DKA affects your brain in such a way you can barely form coherent sentences with very slurred speech. Many other symptoms would prevent you from being able to type this question here. I unfortunately have too much experience with that with a T1D daughter.
    Anyway, there are only ideal ketone levels if you're treating a medical condition like epilepsy or cancer and you can't test urine to determine the level anyway. Must be blood.
    For weight loss you don't even have to be in ketosis but it feels pretty good if you ask me, so I prefer it.
    With pee tests, you're just looking for any positive result. The color means nothing really because it's easily influenced by how much fluid you take in and how often you need to empty your bladder.
    I tested this once by drinking a lot of coffee in a short time and triggering the diuretic effect of coffee. I watched as the test result showed lower ketones each time I went even though I had eaten nothing at all.
    You also waste most ketones in the beginning as you're body is inefficient at using them. You will often hear that once you're adapted the pee tests will show a lighter color as you waste fewer ketones. I personally have not experienced that though I've seen many say it was true for them. I always test at least in the middle but it probably has more to do with the fact that I only drink when thirsty and that doesn't seem to be as much as most people though I don't think I'm dehydrated. I just don't need to drink a whole lot and I personally find no benefit in forcing extra water down. So I don't. It is true though, that dehydration will tend to make the pee test a darker color and that doesn't mean you made more ketones or burned more fat right? Just means the concentration of ketones in that particular test sample were less diluted.
  • descicero
    descicero Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, the way you answer my questions is so reassuring. I couldnt ask for a better response :)