Egg fast makes me sick



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited July 2017
    richb178 wrote: »
    I could never do an egg fast. I have a hard time eating two eggs in the morning. I was eating one with one slice of bacon and it was perfect, but now I'm trying to eat more protein and the second egg just feels like too much. I may go back to eating lunch just so I can have a smaller breakfast, which I don't want to skip (I just hate the thought of preparing a lunch to bring to work).

    What's funny is before I could easily eat 4 fried eggs on buttered toast (is HC food porn discouraged here?).

    @richb178 - there are "toast" alternatives that might work in this stead...not the least of which are flax flatbreads and such. Have you tried eating the two eggs without the bacon? I could be that your body doesn't like the dual protein source - chicken and pig - and that a smaller amount of both is tolerable/manageable, but too much is simply too much. Our bodies are all so strange, we never know which part of a combination is the trigger!
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.

    Why do you have add extra fat to an already high fat food? There's plenty of fat already in it. Cook in fat, but why put more on the plate? To what benefit?

    You would have to read the diet as designed for the specific details. IIRC the egg + 1 tbsp of fat = good ratio for keto.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    I really don't think it was the fat. I tried to eat a hard boiled egg at lunch, with just salt and pepper, I ate one half and almost threw up again. I feel like I won't be able to eat eggs for awhile...

    Try doing a regular fat fast. When the ghrein wave is strong, use some butter in bone broth, some BPC, nut butter, or just nuts.

  • richb178
    richb178 Posts: 47 Member
    @KnitOrMiss - I really don't think bacon is the problem. I used to enjoy a 2-egg cheese omelette with a big spoon of strawberry jam. But w/o the jam it's hard to finish. Or just two eggs by themselves. The first few bites are great, but then I start thinking when is this going to end. Having the bacon between bites actually helps, I think. As for deviled eggs, I think I could still eat those at will.

    As for flax flatbreads - maybe when I switch to maintenance. They look relatively high carb (I'm 20 or less, not counting fiber), and I don't want to make/bake my own, and I'd be worried something like that would trigger a real carb craving. Although, to be honest, I haven't missed or craved any of the 'foods' I gave up 1-1/2 weeks ago (fingers crossed).
  • richb178
    richb178 Posts: 47 Member
    Well those are less than half the carbs the flatbreads I quickly looked at were. I'd still be worried that some of these "low carb" breads are not really that low carb, but I think I can trust that brand based on your experience. I'll probably transition to more carbs before long before I reach my goal, and maybe I can make them part of my diet then. Thanks.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    richb178 wrote: »
    Well those are less than half the carbs the flatbreads I quickly looked at were. I'd still be worried that some of these "low carb" breads are not really that low carb, but I think I can trust that brand based on your experience. I'll probably transition to more carbs before long before I reach my goal, and maybe I can make them part of my diet then. Thanks.

    I personally think this particular bread form is this way because it is not marketed as not intended to be specifically low carb. It is a kosher product. :)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.

    Why do you have add extra fat to an already high fat food? There's plenty of fat already in it. Cook in fat, but why put more on the plate? To what benefit?

    You would have to read the diet as designed for the specific details. IIRC the egg + 1 tbsp of fat = good ratio for keto.

    Oh. I see. Perhaps for following a medically therapeutic keto diet. I just did it for fat loss. Not a medical condition. So fat doesn't really need to be a certain ratio.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Same to OP. If I overeat eggs they turn my stomach. I'm glad I have other choices. As it is I eat them once a day early in the am to get it out of the way - they're such a cheap source of fat and protein. Before I am fully awake, lol...
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.

  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.


    Keep rolling your eyes then because changing the diet as intended means it is not the diet.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I would maybe just try carnivore for a few days and take a break from eggs.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.


    Keep rolling your eyes then because changing the diet as intended means it is not the diet.

    I'm rolling my eyes because she's explaining her e perpendicular on "an" egg fast and you're trying to school her.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    While not a fast I do eat 4-6 pickled eggs daily but I am a vinegar addict now I think. :)
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.


    Keep rolling your eyes then because changing the diet as intended means it is not the diet.

    I'm rolling my eyes because she's explaining her e perpendicular on "an" egg fast and you're trying to school her.

    That was not my intent :) I was just making a comment that changing the diet designed is not doing the diet.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.

    @pdxhak - I would imagine that the difference here is "an egg fast" and not THE "Egg Fast Diet." @Sunny_Bunny_ did a type of fat fast with just eggs, as that was compliant with her own individual needs. She wasn't following the specific protocol designated with the formally titled "Egg Fast Diet." Many times, even within the official "Egg Fast Diet," participants are invited to tweak the plan to their needs.

    As always, some people need more fats to remain satiated, others do not. Some need the fats to adhere to a protocol, others might not. My understanding, in general, of the intention of a fat fast is to simplify the intake of foods to eliminate sneaky carbs and do a sort of metabolic reboot, keeping the calories up enough to boost the base metabolic rate, etc. If one simply wanted to simplify and not add excess calories or fats, there is not a need to follow a formal plan, I wouldn't think. That's more of a formula for KISS/error-proofing...

    Streamlined, basics, reboot, fat "fast" being a misnomer, it's all a reboot/simplification/streamlining tool system.
    Tomato, Tomahhhhhto.... To me, it's just another tool in my toolbox. :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    richb178 wrote: »
    @KnitOrMiss - I really don't think bacon is the problem. I used to enjoy a 2-egg cheese omelette with a big spoon of strawberry jam. But w/o the jam it's hard to finish. Or just two eggs by themselves. The first few bites are great, but then I start thinking when is this going to end. Having the bacon between bites actually helps, I think. As for deviled eggs, I think I could still eat those at will.

    As for flax flatbreads - maybe when I switch to maintenance. They look relatively high carb (I'm 20 or less, not counting fiber), and I don't want to make/bake my own, and I'd be worried something like that would trigger a real carb craving. Although, to be honest, I haven't missed or craved any of the 'foods' I gave up 1-1/2 weeks ago (fingers crossed).

    Joseph's Lavash Flatbread is 7 grams carbs, 3 fiber, so 4 net for half of a HUGE flatbread. The full-size pita is 8 grams, 4 fiber, also net 4. I used to use these even in induction with keto. Unless you have exclusions required, you can use these...some are higher, admittedly, but these are my favorite for flavor and counts - no weird ingredients! They flatbreads cut into pieces and brushed with oil/butter and salted - then baked briefly - make an excellent cracker swap.

    For me, it wasn't about missing something specifically, but occasional convenience. I'm happy to say that as the carb addict I was/am, these never triggered anything for me... Just for reference, for eventually... Not pushing. Just saying.

    Well, it's good that you know some of what your hiccups are with food. Even a few years in, I'm still figuring out mine!

    Not quite on topic, but love these bread options!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited August 2017
    RalfLott wrote: »
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    I can do any fast ONCE
    Try it again and I fail.

    The only fasts I can do consistently consists of no food for 18-36hrs, just water, salt and maybe some broth. I think it is a mental thing for me. Too much of something really does have an effect on me, and I struggle to do it again. I feel nauseated and sick.

    This faux "fasting" gimmick reminds me of a friend of mine whose mom made him choke down a pack of cigarettes and a pint of booze when he turned 13. :s

    Sure, he drank beer and got high now and then, but he never touched cigs or hard liquor.

    This was my father's approach. My sister? told to sit and, literally told to smoke until she puked. (1972). She puked on herself and he made her stay there.
    Me? Rum in HS (1983). He made me eat the two things I hate more than anything, all day, while he told me drinking and barfing stories. He would NOT let me sleep it off. I've never had rum again!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Yowza! Lets see.... when was Clockwork Orange going around? Sounds dreadful.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    My brother could never touch Southern Comfort after his first bad experience with liquor, for my cousin it was peach schnapps. I've never been sick or passed out from liquor even though I enjoy it, it's always been short of that point. That's why I even enjoy Fire and Ice shooters (tequila and creme de menthe). :D