August 13 Sign In



  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Pass day #2.

    Went out to lunch (which was actually our first meal of the day) and then came home and got the truffle Blizzard from DQ they have been advertising. I had a great weekend and managed to get some walking in, but tomorrow I am back to the usual schedule and determined to have no more pass days for the rest of the month. Hubby is going to help me keep accountable, too.

    PS: Thanks for the anniversary wishes! <3:)
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Happy birthday Rick, hope you're feeling better soon.

    Thanks for all the good wishes for my daughter. She's doing fine and we're hoping they'll let her home today but she may have to stay overnight.
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member
    13 August 2017

    Exercise: yes, 71 minutes of high tempo circuit training...50 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest/transition to next station. My average heart rate was 154. I got a late start on my workout, but thankfully, it was overcast and not hot at all.

    Calories: yes, I was within my goal/ borrowed 150 calories from my exercise burn: attended a party and enjoyed some party food, wine, and a brownie. It all worked out. The brownie was d*mn good, too.

    Tracking: yes, I tracked everything.

    Cheers, all! Keep it up!
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Yes x3. Strength training and a walk. I sort of expected today to be a pass because of an evening birthday celebration for a good friend. But I wasn't very hungry so I didn't go overboard on all the tasty appetizers. We've got vacation coming up so I need my pass days in case my mother in law's amazing baking ropes me in!
    Happy birthday rick!
  • getrealgirl
    getrealgirl Posts: 201 Member
    edited August 2017
    Started my day off by deciding to skip yoga. My rationalization was that I could do it at home and skip the 1 hour round trip drive time. Ummm... no I never did it.
    Missing yoga set my whole day off kilter. Missed lunch. Totally forgot I had to take my son somewhere until he was standing there ready to go. Um...yeah I was still in my PJ's!
    Spent my whole day running in small circles, but not really accomplishing much of anything.
    Then my husband and oldest son return from my MIL's house with a huge tub of her oatmeal cookies. She has been trying to do me in with those cookies for the last 25 years!
    No excercise!
    Tracked everything, but have no idea really on those darn cookies or the Thai fresh rolls for dinner. I gave it my best attempt.
    Calories-maybe ok, but not really sure. This is why I don't like to eat food that I don't prepare--too iffy!
    I'm calling it Pass #2
    On the plus side-I am still in my maintenance range after the Friday night pizza.
    On the not so great side-my right knee is still not "right". Fine to walk on, but not for anything like bending, kneeling or squatting.
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Yes x3
    A sunny if breezy day and it was back to the beach with friends. Plannng and tracking food was tricky because we ate out randomly and then homemade pizza and salad for dinner. I was roughly on target calorie wise but not enough protein and too many carbs. I would feel uncomfortable repeating today too often but back to work Monday and back into my usual routine at least until Thursday. 13K steps

    @craigo3154, @Sandera2 Thanks for the encouragement.
  • trixsey1
    trixsey1 Posts: 236 Member
    edited August 2017
    @trixsey1 What is the old building and apparatus in the photos? In which country and approximately where are you walking? I'd like to look it up on Google Earth.
    Thanks, Rick

    @RangerRickL - Hi Rick, it's called Pleasley Pit (UK). It's the old mining apparatus left behind from when the colliery was active in the 1800's. It's a British coal mine located northwest of Pleasley village, and sits on the north bank of the River Meden.
    It was closed in 1986 and most of it was demolished except the two headstocks (in the photo), the engine houses and steam winders.

    The old pit tip was reworked and the coal extracted and later landscaped to create today's nature reserve. There was two railway lines (I believe) linking into Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire which transported the coal, have been converted into tracks for walkers/cyclists and eventually link onto Hardwick Hall as well and other local reworked collieries within the Shire districts.

    If you Google Earth it, you'll see all the countryside surrounding it which is the routes I've been walking or cycling.

    I would like to cover the entire Phoenix Greenways (over 30km) in different directions all branching out from my home town. There are other nature reserves along the Greenways that I still have to visit, either by bike or hiking it there......xx
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Happy birthday, Rick!

    Here, 3 yesses. As our baby was sleeping in, I started the day with a yoga workout and threw in an ab routine afterwards. It was a nice and sunny day, so got a walk in later in the day as well.
    Calorie intake was good, even with a beer enjoyed in the sun and a wine with friends at night.

    @marthall Yeah, beach days are not the foodwise - great job staying on the calorie target
    @getrealgirl Hope your knee heals quickly!
    @loopydo2017 Well done saving those pass days :)
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,281 Member
    I feel so far behind...

    @RangerRickL Happy birthday.
    @trixsey1 Awesome job. 21km+ in a day.
    @lamlam2013 Happy anniversary.
    @pribud AWESOME!!.

    July 11

    Yes x3 Today was a hike...12.78km down the river...It was something...through bushes, up cliffs, down cliffs. A lot of fun but I am so scratched up...

    July 12

    Yes x3 We did a lot of quading today but worked my muscles pulling it out of not 1 but 2 mud

    July 13

    Yes x3 I actually went for a 6am run...couldn't sleep...and don't really run...I have osteo in both my knees...but a lot of the trails are soft I stayed on them and it was so awesome to run again...
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    @RangerRickL Belated birthday wishes !
    Hope you had a great day !

    Yesterday's updates
    Exercise : 50 minute walk.
    Calories : Under by about 300
    Tracking : yes
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    August 13th

    Exercise: 2 hours 40 min hiking
    Calories: Yup
    Tracked: Yup
    Miles: 8.7

    @RangerRickL Happiest of Birthdays Sir!!

    I am in a strength training slump...I have no idea where the motivation went. Sigh....I've had back issues for about a month which is part of the reason but I have to suck it up and go back.
  • jesscutedol
    jesscutedol Posts: 40 Member
    Three times a yess
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member
    Exercise? Yes; an hour of walking, plus packing up camp
    Calories? Yes
    Tracking? Yes