August 1 Sign In



  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3.
    Nice to see all these people.
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    @Gus130 great to see you back and well done for getting your exercise in, hope you have a much better month.
    @Slimpossible007 love the cakes, owls are my favourite
    Congratulations everyone on a great first day

  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Hello all.

    My 1st day is also a pass day.

    An excellent weekend at Atlas Festival and then today I met up with my sister in Whitby for drinks and a long overdue catch-up. My discipline is terrible if I drink, and since this is not my usual behaviour I let myself off somewhat. I will forgive myself and focus on getting back on track today.

    Aug 1st.
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 40 minute brisk walk down to the sea and back
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? No
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Hi @IamIam2013
    We've missed you!!

    Thank you @RangerRickL
  • cc3833
    cc3833 Posts: 80 Member
    @RangerRickL I have a Sorrel Quarter Horse! I log my riding time but as you know grooming, hosing, tacking up, putting tack away definitely is work LOL
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    August 1:

    Started the month off on the wrong foot. Ran intervals in the morning for 35 minutes and did a total of 97 minutes of walking. Did my plank after the run as well. Tracked everything and finished the day 74 calories too high. Pass #1.
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    Exercise: Yes 8300 steps with 23 active minutes on fitbit
    Calories Yes
    Tracked Yes