Potassium amounts...

erika_307 Posts: 82 Member
I've been doing keto for a couple weeks now. I feel great, but my potassium is never anywhere near the recommended amount. I have potassium pills and that alternative salt that is all potassium. But, even with eating avocados and taking these supplements, my potassium is never near the recommended amount. I feel weird taking a ton of potassium supplements to get there. Should I be? Does it matter if I feel fine? Is it dangerous to take too much potassium? Thanks for any help :)


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I wouldn't. Potassium is the only one that can be dangerous to supplement.
    Even my daughter who has a prescription for potassium due to chronic deficiency, it's only 90mg a day. She also uses NuSalt on food sometimes.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited July 2017
    Potassium is one of those things that is not required to be listed on nutritional labels, so if you are going off those, you'll be missing content. Coffee has potassium. Chicken has a lot. Greens, etc. They generally ARE NOT listed on the label. USDA has a website, as well as other sites like Fat Secret (.com) have a more complete nutritional profile.

    But too little and too much are both deadly. Basically, if you're getting sodium, and supplementing magnesium (or eating all organics and grass fed products - because that gives you a chance to get enough) - you're unlikely to need to add potassium unless you already have been tested for it... You might need a little if you get diarrhea, have heavy sweating day (working out or outdoor work, etc.), etc. Even Gatorade for athletes doesn't provide much...

    Edited to add: When I tried taking lite salt (half salt, half potassium), it was so much that it made me dump magnesium like crazy to try to keep the balance in my blood! Ended up dumping enough magnesium that I had crazy charlie horses (muscle knots) until I figured it out!
  • erika_307
    erika_307 Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you! I did not realize potassium was in so many more things than it shows up in on here. I was wondering how I could possibly be getting so little. Lol

  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited July 2017
    erika_307 wrote: »
    Thank you! I did not realize potassium was in so many more things than it shows up in on here. I was wondering how I could possibly be getting so little. Lol

    That it is. Luckily though, the new USDA labeling requirements that went into effect in the past year require it. Expect to see potassium on more labels over time, as the manufacturers begin to comply. Here's an example of the new label from an early adopter (LifeWay Kefir):
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    Wow. I just today bought some of that from Walmart for my daughter. I was surprised to see the potassium number, but did not realize it was a new thing. Me thinking about potassium at all is a new thing...
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    dawnz75 wrote: »
    Wow. I just today bought some of that from Walmart for my daughter. I was surprised to see the potassium number, but did not realize it was a new thing. Me thinking about potassium at all is a new thing...

    Yeap. Vitamin C has been replaced with D and potassium was added, due to those being modern deficiencies. Iron and A were left in for two reasons: they are still deficiencies in certain populations and they can seriously *kitten* you up in large quantities. Well, Vit A is less of a problem for most people, because plant based carotenoids are impossible to overdose on, due to demand based conversion, and not many people eat enough commercially available food with preformed retinol (primarily liver) to overdo it.