Mvoing to week 2

So I started cardio training last week. I did it 4 days the first three i did 2.5k and two 3k days at my own pace(a combo of walk/run like c25k without set intervals) then I found the program and decided to do the week 1 work out. I am thinking I should move to week 2 due the workouts before I found c25k being similar(also I was running 3-4 min segments during them). Any thoughts on if I should move or stay and do a couple more week 1 runs?


  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    If you're a bit more advanced at running and might be bored by week 1 you would probably be fine jumping to week 2 - personally, as a complete beginner, I found the first weeks invaluable in teaching me how to breathe and actually run properly but then I struggled with 60secs lol

    Try a week 2 run and if you struggle you can always go back to week 1 - lots of people adapt the plan to suit their own needs :)
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I sort of did the same thing but I'm a basic runner (walked a few miles a couple times a week and just now am starting C25K). I don't think it helps you as far as "teaching you anything" but it does help your body get acclimated to your specific program. If I had skipped to week 2 I probably would've been fine but if I had seen that and thought "I can already do that, let's skip to week 3" I would've not done well. My approach is that even though at times I might feel like I could run for longer (like more than 4 intervals), I am just going to follow the plan to a T and then afterward re-run it for speed or distance, whichever suits me :) Plus re-run with incline intervals (ugh, hills!). Good luck! :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'd start at week one. There's a lot to be learned about pacing yourself and the only difference from graduating a week early is that you have to find another running plan a week earlier. Even if you had a 5k scheduled for week 8, you wouldn't do all that much better than if you were on week 9.