3 Lbs lighter

msjohnson13 Posts: 57 Member
I've seen the scale drop in numbers this morning. I've fluctuated on my daily calorie intake. I went over a few times, so I've increased my cardio days to 40 minutes. I do the hill on the elliptical doing 5 minutes of pumping everything and elevating the heart rate, then do 5 minutes at a lower heart rate...alternating until the 40 minutes is up. I fall short on the weekends so I'm looking into some Jillian Michael videos.

I've seen a lot of post on the30 day shed. Has anyone tried or dong this video. What equipment do you need?


  • tammi_t
    tammi_t Posts: 20
    I started it, but didn't finish it. I actually liked the video, but laziness got the best of me. Aug. 1 will be the perfect time for me to blow the dust off Jillian and get my Shred on! Truth of the matter is....30 days will past whether I do the Shred or not, so I may as well do it!
  • msjohnson13
    msjohnson13 Posts: 57 Member
    I got this other video from a friend... The Biggest Winner Full Frontal. That really kicked my behind:) I didn't have the step so I did what I could. Modified a bit, but I found my hamstrings. I'll have to do these Jillian videos first thing in the morning. Don't wait until the first...that gives more room for procrastination. I'd just start. I bounce from one routine to another. I never stuck with just one routine. The more variety, the less I have to get tired of one program.

    Let's get Jillian'd out! Don't wait, just DO IT. You know I'm motivating myself as well:)