Postpartum Chat



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Yeah sounds like a growth spurt and cluster feeding combined! Fun times Haha. She will stop doing that eventually....
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    It's been a couple of weeks since I popped in and I thought I'd touch base.

    The doctor made us start supplementing with formula shortly after I last posted. She's been getting 1-2oz after nursing a few times a day (6-8oz total). It's worked, as she's been gaining about 1 lb/week since then. She jumped from 8lbs 3oz to 9lbs 1oz in a week and I think she's about 10.5 pounds now. Our next appointment is on the 13th at 8 weeks.

    She still hasn't gotten any more efficient at nursing, it seems she's never at the breast for less that 1-1.5 hours a time--and still needing topped off after that. Someone gave me a "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow and it's been a lifesaver for back/neck pain with the long nursing sessions. I've been so tied down and sedentary with feeding her that in the last 5 weeks or so I've gained 10+ pounds and hardly leave the house. I've been so paranoid that cutting any calories will further decrease my supply that I've been overeating hoping it would help me produce better and has only made me gain weight.

    Sleep and naps during the day seem to be a struggle, but we've had pretty solid 11pm-5am sleep stretches at night the last few days. So, I hope that continues!

    I go back to work Monday and my husband will be home with her during the day. I plan to try and pump at work (if I can find a place to do so) but I'm not sure how it's all going to work in the long run given I'm already not able to keep with her. I'd like to get a different breast pump than the Ameda that I got with insurance, but don't have enough confidence that we'll continue breastfeeding to spend $150-200 on a new one. I hope we can continue at least combined feeding for her benefit--time will tell. So far, she's at least done well switching back and forth from the bottle to breast for supplements. At one point we thought he might bring to her work for me to feed at lunch time, but that's not possible unless she gets a lot more efficient at nursing ASAP.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited July 2018
    @SheilAnneSmith does she have a tongue or lip tie? You can try the Flipple technique. Keith didnt become efficient at bf until he was 4 months old. Up to then he took an hour minimum to eat everytime. Personally if I were going back to work when baby still needed lots of milk, I would not pump. I would use formula during the day and bf in the evenings. Then formula/bf overnight depending what you works for you guys and sleep. I wasted so much money on a breast pump only to find out I couldn't pump though. It takes me an hour to get 2 oz.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith Wow. You've been working really hard, it sounds like. I'm glad you're at least getting a few hours of sleep in now! Especially since I'll soon be going through the same thing. Heh heh. Glad baby is gaining weight and the formula and nursing pillow have helped. Someone gave me a nursing pillow. I washed the cover on it, but haven't figured out how to use it yet.

    Fingers crossed for you going back to work. Mmm, if you want a Medela or Spectra s2/s3 breast pump, you might wanna check out eBay. They are about $50-75 if you get a preowned. Spectra's are self-contained units so I've heard a lot of people get those used and then buy new hoses/parts for them at about $15 so it is more sanitary that way. I haven't tried mine out yet either though, so not sure how it'll be.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Welp, baby decided to come early. 7-7-18 at 7lbs 4 oz. I'll post more when I'm not so worn out. Recovery is gonna take a bit, and not much sleep is happening. we're still getting used to each other. ha.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    edited July 2018
    P.S. How do y'all log breastfeeding? I know right now it's not burning many calories, but I wanna try to recalibrate my nutritional goals to fit post pregnancy life.

    *Edit. Ok, nvm. I found it under foods as negative calories. Yay.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Congrats @Alioth! Can't wait to here more!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth Congratulations!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Alioth congrats!!! Can’t wait to hear more. Take care of yourself and I hope you recover very quickly!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @Alioth congratulations on your new baby!!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member

    Ok, so here's how things went down. Friday I felt very tired and grumpy and wanted to sleep all day. I went to my regular midwife appointment and learned my intense "Braxton Hicks" contractions were actually the real deal because of the back pain they were giving me. And hopefully, I was dilating a bit. But that still could be 2 weeks before labor actually started, because they were very intermittent.

    I went home, took a nap, got up and my water broke in the restroom. Then I started having mild period cramps. I didn't think anything of it, and wasn't sure if my water had really broken or not. Josh and I went out to the Mexican restaurant and met friends there. At the restaurant I realized I was spotting, and the cramps became serious. I contacted my mom and the midwife who asked me to come in. Josh packed the car. We stopped at the grocery store and by the time we drove up to the birth center, it was about 11 pm. I was in denial about the whole thing and kept apologizing for being there. :D This was despite the fact that contractions were less than ten minutes apart--sometimes only 5, and I was in agony from the back pain.

    The midwife cheerfully informed me that I was 4 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and contractions were rolling pretty good and about 5-3 minutes long, 5 minutes apart or less. She also explained that I was having back labor because baby was trying to turn from ROT position to LOT most likely. I was really disoriented and bawling like a baby at that point. As the pain ratcheted up, I started barfing everywhere. I continued barfing all through labor, and the care team and Josh had to keep a bucket brigade going, actually. Haha. None of us want to see Mexican food for a very, very long time.

    They got me on an IV for antibiotic since I was GBS positive. After that, they started pumping fluids into me so I wouldn't get dehydrated. I was desperately thirsty, but couldn't keep water down. I couldn't sit or lay but just hung on to my husband's shoulders swaying upright and bawled and tried not to yank the IV out until the hydrotherapy tub was all filled up. They checked me again, and I was 7 cm by 12:30 am.

    The birth center does no medical pain relief there. So some peppermint candy, massage, aroma therapy, and the birthing tub was it for pain relief. Which I really regretted. Like a million and one times. The tub was pretty great though once I got in it. The doula and Josh took turns pouring hot water on my back during contractions, which was amazing. And could kneel and be on all fours in the tub without collapsing from weakness which helped. So did squeezing the handles because I had a very strong instinct to grab onto something hard.

    I hit transition around 1 am, and started pushing at 1:30 am. Baby's head got stuck halfway. Apparently, he came down at a wonky angle and couldn't turn in the pelvis the way he wanted. They were really worried about his heart rate due to how strong contractions were. But it stayed steady the whole time. When I finally did get him out, he came out fighting and thrashing and kicked me hard in the crotch on his way out. Lol. He was all silver when they slapped him on my chest and we were both staring at each other like, "Wtf, who are you?" His poor head had a perfect ring around it and a tall bubble on top from where he had been stuck. Also, he had a black eye. Labor took 8 hrs altogether from water breaking until he was born at 4:07 am. They told me that was pretty fast for a FTM.

    The whole thing felt like an unreal dream from start to finish. I passed out on the floor on the way to the table to get stitched up, because I thought I could walk there. So they made me lie on the floor and drink juice boxes. I have a 2nd degree tear, but apparently that's normal for a FTM. Because I passed out, they kept me for 12 hours instead of 8 after the birth, to be sure my blood pressure had normalized and I could walk before going home.

    Since then, baby Bruce Alexander has been doing pretty well at home. He has a light case of jaundice, so we're spending a lot of time on the back porch sunning. The midwife says the giant bruise on his head probably caused that. Also, he has a slight intermittent click or heart murmur that may be a valve not closing properly. Midwife says that is common for babies born early, and should resolve on its own in a couple weeks, but the pediatrician will have to check it out. Nursing has been a struggle. He has a tendency to get mad and fight me off. Sometimes I have to pump and trick him into eating with a bottle. But last night and today is a lot better, and he's eating at more regular intervals (AKA no sleep for me!).

    Thanks for reading my super-long post.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Alioth he’s perfect!! Good job pushing through all of that pain and scary stuff with no pain medicine omg. Congrats again! Hope the heart issue sorts itself out as time passes, and it sounds like feeding is improving. Keep us posted on how things are going!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth he's adorable! He certainly made quite the entrance. Hope things continue on the up swing. Thank you for sharing! :)
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    So adorable!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks, everyone! And omg. I am learning now what everyone keeps talking about when they say "cluster feeding." Wow, just wow. I hope I can survive.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited July 2018
    @Alioth wow what a story! That is a fast (not that it would feel fast) labour. Too bad they didnt try hip and spine squeezes on you@ they were a life saver during my back labour (which I agree totally sucks). And yay cluster feeding. Haha. Keith only did it for like... 2 months...

    Your little guy is sooo cute! How in love are you already!!!??
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks everybody! He's just getting cuter by the day. :3

    @VeryKatie Well, they tried hip and spine squeezes, but they hurt way worse, so I stopped them. I just couldn't stand anyone touching me except for holding my hand. Nor could I stand being still long enough for anyone to massage me, and anytime someone got close to my face I wanted to punch them. Haha.

    Geeze, 2 months? OMG. Well, my milk finally came in so now Bruce is able to get a full feed in at 8-12 minutes a side. So the cluster feeding has stopped for now. I'm trying to feed every two hours, but it's more like 1.5-4 hours right now. haha. I'm also finally able to pump a tiny bit extra ever so often, so that if he hits a hangry inconsolable rage after 1 hour, Josh can give him a snack. The hard part is moderating the milk flow from the bottle so he doesn't spew it all over himself ten minutes later. I got two slow flow bottles of different brands. But even then, it has to be just a few sips at a time. I haven't tried out the Playtex slow flow bottle yet. I might give it a go if it keeps happening. Aaag! Breastfeeding is hard and complicated. Hats off to you ladies that have managed it! Baby has gained his lost weight back...we think. He keeps hitting the zero button on the bathroom scale when we try to weigh him. lol.

    He also has newborn acne and a sticky eye now. And he likes to go into a crazy fussy rage most nights between 9 pm and 2 am. or 10-3. I can practically set a clock to it. Any advice is welcome.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited July 2018
    @Alioth yeah for Keith it lasted a while. But I think his latch didnt improve till 4 months so it took him 30 mins per side. Plus my flow is slow. I have the milk it just takes it's time coming out lol.

    Oh man I couldn't get Keith to take a bottle. I think he took one 3 times total. So it was all boobs. Breastfeeding is ridiculously hard. I wish someone would have warned me. The kid still bites me hahah (luckily he is good about not biting too hard). Breastfeeding for me was worth it but it stressed me out for
    4 months at the beginning and again at months 8 (he fought it for a month, dunno if he tried to ween but I didnt let him lol) and 11 (for prep to return to work).

    Oh dear sounds like Bruce might get a blocked tear duct! Hopefully that clears away. I found the acne went away around that 2 month mark I think. They say breastmilk on the pimples help but I never found it did. And they say not to use soap... but a tiny bit of baby soap every other day seemed to help us. For the most part I tried to leave it alone.

    Keith still has his cradle cap. It's crazy. Luckily his hair covers it unless it's being swept around in the wind lol. Maybe that'll go when he weans. Hes still nursing twice a day at 13 months old and probably would have liked me to have not forced him to drop one of his nap feeds.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Alioth I'm insanely jealous of 8-12 min a side for feedings! We are still 30+ minutes a side and then she'll still act hungry. We also had a clogged tear duct that just finally is starting to clear up, she occasionally gets a little goopy in the corner of her eye but it's not every day and always crusty like it was for the 1st 2 months. Thank goodness.

    The only nipple we've got Andrena to take so far is the teal slow flow ones that come with the enfamil ready made bottles. I finally bought a box of 12 of them to go with the ones the hospital gave us. We tried several other bottles/nipples but she likes just the plain bottles that came with my pump and those "disposable" nipples--that we wash and re-use just fine.

    I've been back to work for 2 1/2 weeks--the amount of formula she's taking per day seems to be increasing. Our typical schedule is:

    5:45 - 7:00am Nurse
    7:30 am Pump (1.5 oz +/-) and save for next day.
    10:00 am @ Work I pump (2.5oz +/-), She has bottle- usually 4 oz BM and 2-4 oz Formula (shes a pig)
    2:00 pm @ Work I pump (2oz +/-), She has a bottle-usually 2 oz BM and 3-4 oz Formula
    5:15-6:30 I get home and she's more than ready to nurse-- often needs 2 oz formula to fill her up enough to get her in the carrier and outside or do anything else except have her fuss for more food.
    8:00-9:00 nurse
    9:45-10:15 nurse + 4 oz formula after I hand her off to Marlin so I can go to bed
    Then she usually is good until 5am give or take.

    With the exception of trying to scarf down dinner and a quick shower I feel like all I do when I'm home in the evenings is be stuck on the couch nursing.

    I am trying some lactation cookies and more supplements this week. I lose my pumping spot on 7/30 and am not sure what I'll do after that. HR wants me to use her office, but having to kick someone out of their office to pump seems like a worse plan than standing at the bathroom counter burning up AA batteries to get it done.

    I pretty much feel like a failure. I drink a ton and eat a ton--in fact I've gained 14 pounds from the low weight I hit 2 weeks postpartum and I'm afraid to cut calories for fear of further decreasing my supply. I also haven't been willing to start birth control yet either, again worried about any dip in my supply--but I need to take care of both of those items. I'm kind of putting them off to 12 weeks so at least she gets as much as I can possibly give her for that long. It kind of coincides with losing my pumping location as well.

    All in all, I'm pretty stressed and down about the whole breastfeeding situation and my lack of success. Pretty well nothing has gone as hoped.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith Jeeze, you're not a failure! You made a human. And she's a really great human at that. And she's doing well because of all your efforts. But I understand how stress and hormones make one feel terrible regardless. I seriously don't know how you're juggling a new baby and being back at work. You're amazing. Your schedule is pretty intense. If it were me, I'd take HR on her offer to take over the office, though. It probably makes her feel warm and fuzzy to help out in some way. And I'd take advantage of it to put my feet up too. The weight loss can always wait until you're not as exhausted too, right?

    I find it super amazing how newborns are such individuals with strong preferences! I never understood that before. My little guy will not take a pacifier. I've tried 4 different brands.

    @VeryKatie Wow. I didn't realize you breastfed for such a long time. I dunno if I'll go that long. I'm mentally committed to 2 months of breastfeeding. After that, I haven't made up my mind yet what to do. On the plus side, it means my MIL will have to wait longer to have the baby visit without me. She was joking about kidnapping him (while my husband gave her the evil eye) until I dryly mentioned he's breast only, and then she deflated. Since she formula fed all her kids, the concept is pretty new to her. Haha.

    Aah, Bruce hasn't started the cradle cap yet. I'm expecting it to happen, but no sign of it yet. The eye is a bit better. Warm washcloth trick helped a lot. Good to know about the acne.

    The bottle...we started it with Bruce because he would freak out and not latch. So we'd trickle a few drops of milk into his mouth with the bottle to get him to calm down, then start his sucking on the bottle, then switch to breast after half an ounce. It's like for the first 4 days, we had to jumpstart his sucking reflex each feed. Go figure.

    And I didn't give him a choice about 10-15 minutes a side. I just hook a finger in and kick him off the boob. The midwife said it's good to take a break to give his brain time to realize his tummy is full. Also my mother told me that's what she did with me. When I was letting him suckle as long as he wanted, he skinned both nipples and I was in agony. And he wasn't getting any extra milk from it, just the comfort of using me as a passy. Ugh. Anyway, we went to the doc for 2 week visit and he's gaining weight just fine, so he's not starving. Today we go back to a different pediatrician and he'll be circumcised. So dreading it! I'm afraid when he starts crying I'm gonna start bawling in the doc's office.