What got me stated

mtnman2415 Posts: 11 Member
edited August 2017 in Social Groups
This is a bit older book, but it's what I am following. There are literally thousands of approaches to health, so I thought it best to pick one and stick to it for a while. I have A-Fib so my hope is I can heal that. 0453jq09dm5j.jpg
Whole Food Plant Based for sure.

I have a couple of new friends today, Thanks


  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Engine 2 diet here, which was created by Caldwell's son Rip Esselstyn. I was in the hosp at the end of Feb from Really high BP. Higher than my normal crazy high, between tests there and with the follow ups they determined I had Stage 3B kidney disease, my lowest kidney function was in May at 39%, got my labs back today and I am at 74%. I would never in a million years thought I would ever be a vegetarian bordering on vegan, but I have lost the same amount of weight in the last 6 weeks as I did in the previous 4 months and I am not starving, far from it. The best news is they have been taking me off a lot of my BP meds to get my BP back up. 25years with uncontrolled high BP and that was with a boat load of meds and now it's too low. If you want to see great results and a doable way of eating because it really is not a diet, that book you are holding is a sure bet. Check out Netflix for forks-over -Knives and Engine 2 diet documentary and the Engine 2 website. It's been a life saver for me.
  • mtnman2415
    mtnman2415 Posts: 11 Member
    Great success story. I watched Forks Over Knives and down loaded The Engine II diet. Thanks for the info. I wish you continued success. I know what you mean about never picturing yourself as a Vegan.
  • Arted1
    Arted1 Posts: 4 Member
    What the Health! on Netflix did it for me.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Arted1 wrote: »
    What the Health! on Netflix did it for me.

    That is also a good one. I would say, that what originally got me started was Fat. Sick & Nearly Dead. I don't juice all the time, but I do go through phases where I juice more than I eat.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Nice going folks! I don't have heart ailments (yet) but I did have slightly higher BP and I'm borderline diabetic. My A1C is 6.6 and 6.5 is the cutoff. That's been within the last couple of months. I did smoke for a long time (idiot) but have put that behind me with help from above. So while I've been starting to eat healthier alternatives and researching recipes. There are many. I'm making a list! At one time I was down 82 lbs. but gained it back when I found gainful employment (haha). With this Diabetes thing I have awaken one more time and are starting to lose a few lbs. again.

    I hope to watch this group in the coming months to see if I can learn anything.

    Once more congratulations to those of you who stepped up to the plate for your Children, Wives, and friends.

    Remember this, no one does anything difficult alone.