stagnant weight loss

Lucy2lose50 Posts: 15 Member
last year, I tried a few rounds of Whole 30 - all meat and lost 10 lbs. (my cholesterol was up)
Then I watched forks over knives and other shows like it.
Now I'm off meat for two weeks straight. (I just can't bring myself to eat it)
I have had tuna packed in water once during this time frame
I eat tons of fruit and veggies (raw and cooked)
limiting the oil too
I have had a few eggs once a week and a few ounces of
mozzarella cheese in my salad roll up. (still working on this)
Problem is ... I'm not losing but actually gaining
Still working out 3 x's a week.
I'm also still having my wine at night or a martini with my dinner.
60 year old - taking 100 mcg thyroid meds each day .
what should I do without starving myself.