Keto and IC?

1mom22boyz Posts: 12 Member
Hey everyone!
I'm gearing up to start keto on Monday and one thing I'm worried about is finding things that satisfy my sweet tooth. I have interstitial cystitis and can't do any sugar substitutes that I know of. Stevia gives me a bad flare. Any ideas on sweet treats I might be able to handle?




  • vysila
    vysila Posts: 27 Member
    Wish I could help you, Dawn, but have no idea what you might safely use. That sounds miserable. I decided to avoid all sweeteners when I started this program, not even in my coffee. It's been a tough adjustment but found that it really got rid of that desire to have a sweet treat. It's not easy, but that might be the best thing for you. Good luck!
  • 1mom22boyz
    1mom22boyz Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! I love my coffee with lots of creamer, but I'll be cutting that out tomorrow. It's going to be water, water and more water! Lol. I did find some chocolate flavored coconut chips that aren't terrible for a treat. Thanks for your response!