Brand spankin new to this!

Howdy y'all! My name is Nicole and I want to be adopted!!!
I am 29 years old, I am a veterinary technician, and I live in Columbus, Ohio.
I started my weight loss journey 11 years ago weighing in at 320lbs, in 12/2017 I weighed 131lbs... then I became amazingly happy in my relationship/ fell in love and gained 34lbs. My body fat percentage is currently 38% and I want to get it down to at least 20%. I would love to have someone to chat with and help hold me accountable who is around my age and is into either crossfit, power lifting, or Olympic lifting as these are things I have grown to love!!!


  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome! That's so awesome that you get to work with animals, even the grumpy cat style ones that don't like seeing you. :lol: I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at French bulldogs on instagram. One day I'm going to adopt one from my local FB shelter.

    :star: for such a huge loss! How long did you maintain it, or was it a slow loss over the 11 years?

    The beauty of this group is that everyone is worth adding/getting to know. I know that @rianneonamission is working on lifting with her PT so you should definitely check her out. I have hypermobile joints so my physio never thought it was a good idea for me to lift because the risk of subluxation/dislocation/rupturing the muscle is too high. Looks hella cool though. I just punch and kick stuff instead.

    Anyway, welcome again. I hope all goes well on your journey. :heart:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Hi Nicole! Well done so far, that's an amazing achievement! And even with the weight gain now you are nowhere near your original weight, so clearly you have much better control over yourself and your habits. But I understand the love situation - that's what made my weight shoot up too. 16lbs down so far, about 13lbs to go still I think.

    Yes, there is a group for women strength training (I'm not active on there at the mo because lifting is still new to me) which you may find interesting. Also the group not that heavy girls, where we have a helpful accountability thread each month where we share weigh ins (@glassofroses is in that group and a very supportive regular there).

    The moment my PT started doing more free weights with me (about 3-4 months ago) I fell in love with that, so much so that I have stopped going to classes with the exception of Pilates. I'm not strong by any stretch, but being able to go up a weight, or rep at a weight beyond my expectation is pretty *kitten* motivating, even on the machines! I'm soon dropping down to 2 sessions a month as opposed to weekly, but I want to get him to focus more on strength as I keep my cardio up by running (recent C25K graduate here, another bug I caught!).

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm a practically daily logger and at almost 32 close to you in age too.

    Thanks for linking me to this thread @glassofroses, much appreciated!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I should pay attention - only just noticed you posted in this group. I assumed it was in the main forum. Sorry!