Tell me about the meal and work out plan that works for you

Hi everyone,
Unlike the others, I've gained 30lb in summer. Thanks to Bar-B-Que and beers. I am 155 cm and 69 kg now. The more weight I self-esteem becomes lower and also sick of my boyfriend keeps making jokes about my weight gain., therefore, I've decided to make a change. My daily calorie intake is 700 calorie and I work out 45 minutes per day at home without weight. But I am really confused between low calorie diet and healthy limit 1200 calorie. Some said 700 calorie and body weight training works for them faster. Some said 1200 calorie steady diet and cardio works better. It would be really great if you guys advise me with the diet and work out plans that actually work.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It's not about fast, it's about long term sustainability. You cannot eat 700 calories for any length of time and consume adequate nutrition to keep your body healthy.

    And just for the record, your boyfriend can go get bent, his opinion is not relevant, this is all about you and how you feel, and kudos for deciding to improve your life.

    There are a lot of different ways of eating, you should try a few and see what you like and what fits best into your life and your food preferences. I have had success with leangains, though I do cut the carbs down to about half what he recommends, you can find calculators here to help you set up your macro goals if you would like to try it:

    My diary is open if you want to browse around. Leangains is designed to be used with strength training 3x/week, and bodyweight exercises would be suitable for strength training. I like to get a mix of cardio and flexibility work on my non-strength days, plus some pilates for core strength. Whatever keeps working out interesting, if it gets boring I'm not going to keep at it, that's just me.

    Whatever you do, you will be most successful if you do something that you think you will be able to continue for years, or forever. 700 calories a day is not something anyone can do forever, it's just not reasonable to think that plan is sustainable.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited August 2017
    1200 is considered minimum for average sedentary woman eating average food to get all needed nutrients in.
    Minimum from the aspect of safety.

    Much like minimum building codes for safety. Not for longevity, aesthetics, or performance.

    Don't do below minimum unless in a research study where they are testing you out the waazoo to confirm they aren't killing you slowly (and even those folks have long term negative effects many times).

    Doing minimum and below will give you minimum results.
    Go for longevity, looking better, performing better.

    You don't sound like you'll be sedentary, don't be average either, don't do minimum - you'll regret it down the road, possibly a long time.

    Start from the top down - not bottom up. Goal should be to eat as much as you can to lose just fat weight.
    Your plan will encourage muscle mass loss.

    You didn't gain it fast, don't attempt to lose it fast.