Finally giving in to higher calorie/macro-counting

It's really hard to try something that you don't understand the science behind. I don't know a whole lot about nutrition so calorie counting is just easier to grasp so I went with that. Signing onto MFP I got hungry and grumpy with the 1200 calories it suggests. I can't do this for very long. I'm tired and so hungry and have done this for 6 months and my weight has not changed from a single pound, I didn't gain but I didn't lose any weight either. Everyone keeps telling me to eat higher calorie and count my macros but some people also say "give your plan some time" so I kept telling myself that if I give my calorie counting some time, I too will see results. I'm finally trying this and hoping I will live happier, with no hunger and see some results finally.


  • lehe0943
    lehe0943 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have the same problem- I still have not taken the plunge to macro counting, but I have used "iifym calculator" to get a rough estimate of a macro breakdown. One of the most encouraging things, however, was joining the IIFYM Facebook page- seeing so many people with amazing success is encouraging, and it seems like many people are available to answer any/all questions for people who are new to that lifestyle.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    It's really hard to try something that you don't understand the science behind. I don't know a whole lot about nutrition so calorie counting is just easier to grasp so I went with that. Signing onto MFP I got hungry and grumpy with the 1200 calories it suggests. I can't do this for very long. I'm tired and so hungry and have done this for 6 months and my weight has not changed from a single pound, I didn't gain but I didn't lose any weight either. Everyone keeps telling me to eat higher calorie and count my macros but some people also say "give your plan some time" so I kept telling myself that if I give my calorie counting some time, I too will see results. I'm finally trying this and hoping I will live happier, with no hunger and see some results finally.

    Although weight loss is not a simple matter of calories in calories out, a significant reduction usually causes weight loss. You should weigh and log everything you eat to ensure you're not underestimating your calorie consumption.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,908 Member
    what is your current age and weight. Sounds like 1200 is your maintenance intake. That can't be right. I know that a cal is a cal but I just can't helping thinking that 1200 of ice cream is going to make me fatter than 1200 of balanced meals..... Good luck. Anxious to hear how it works.
  • Fitnessgirl0913
    Fitnessgirl0913 Posts: 481 Member
    what is your current age and weight. Sounds like 1200 is your maintenance intake. That can't be right. I know that a cal is a cal but I just can't helping thinking that 1200 of ice cream is going to make me fatter than 1200 of balanced meals..... Good luck. Anxious to hear how it works.

    How I look at it is this: You eat a deficit to lose weight but you eat your macros and nutrient dense foods to be healthy, the 2 are different. You can be thin but not be healthy, for example: Say I am trying to lose weight and am on a calories deficit of 1500 calories a day. If I ignore everything else except that calorie goal I will lose weight, however I will not be healthy. Does that make sense? I could eat my entire 1500 calories of French fries and cookies I would lose weight but I would not be healthy and probably malnourished.