lymph-edema, not regular fat.

62apples Posts: 132 Member
When the mfp weight projector says that you should be "this" weight in 5 weeks but you are not and yet you continued to eat the same, then you probably have lymphedema. That is a fibroid type of fat that will not reduce with dieting. Usually, one will see one limb larger than the other but not always. This is not regular edema or fat.

Doctors cannot believe that dieting does not work, but it does not work very well for lymphedema.
I weigh 250 lbs but am only 26% fat.
the connection between obesity and lymph-edema and vise versa.
excess fat remains after fluid reduction...
lymphedema liposuction is different than regular liposuction.
plus the lymphedema comes back

I am available for anybody that needs to talk about lymphedema.

I am doing keto, leeches, magnets, and ozone. It is working but very slowly.
The lymph glands where your body attaches to its limbs become clogged.
You have to open them up.
10 exercises for leg lymphedema.
3 exercises for arm lymphedema.