Stalled weight so early?

san814 Posts: 22 Member
Hi everyone I'm in my second week of LCD. I started at 175 down to 168 that was the first 4 days and now nothing since. Could I be doing something wrong?


  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Your body is adjusting. It can take a couple weeks for your body to make the shift from burning glucose to burning fat. Give it time.

    Alternatively, make sure you're not eating too many calories. LCHF has a lot of benefits but it's not magic. Some folks overdo the 'HF' part and that can slow down weight loss.

    In the meantime, take measurements, photos, and pay attention to how you feel, how your clothes fit. The scale isn't the only metric, it's not even the best metric. Admittedly it is the most convenient and common one, but there's other things to focus on.

    FWIW I've read some expert opinions that suggest a 'stall' is when you lose neither weight nor inches for something like 6 weeks straight.
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    It's hard to say if you're doing something wrong without knowing more detail like what you're eating (among other things) but likely you're not. The first few days weight loss is water weight and the reality is that fat takes longer. Try to keep the faith, stick to the plan and move more if you are impatient like many people :)
  • san814
    san814 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank so much to the both of you! I do see my body slimming a little I just figured I would have weight loss with it. I'm new to this and really trying to navigate
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    It is doubtful you are "doing something wrong" except expecting keto miracles regarding weight loss. I didn't lose my excess weight via keto but have been reading in this forum for over a year. This bit about "stalls" or "I lost X in X days, then nothing" seems to come up almost weekly.

    Hover around your daily deficit calories. Measure your food intake. Focus on staying low carb. Get a little exercise for your overall health if you like. Get ample sleep and don't let the scale # stress you.

    If you AVERAGE a pound or two a week, you're doing fine. Perhaps, above average. Right now your average is 3.5 pounds a week. Kudos. Expect that to slow down. If you don't lose another pound in the next month, you're still averaging over a pound a week.

    Get your head into it for the long haul. Weight loss is practice for long term maintenance.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    take measurements, don't rely on the scale, it's a horrid creation
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    take measurements, don't rely on the scale, it's a horrid creation

    Not's a tool like any other, but one that has become grossly mis-used.