New To Group

RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
Hey everyone - my name is Rhenee' and I just joined in with this group. I am not new to MFP but have not been participating for many months. I tried WW On Line because I felt I would have more accountability but was terribly wrong so I am coming back to MFP. I am excited to see that there are others doing JNL Fusion. I just bought this program and am starting it today. I look forward to being part of this group and hope to be motivated, inspired and encouraged as well as motivate, inspire and encourage others!!

I have been trying to lose the same 40 pounds for several years and I have wasted too much time....I have no more excuses. There is no good reason why I can't do this - I have simply failed and failed again due to my lack of discipline, my lack of self control and my lack of self conviction!

Today is a new day for me!!!

"If you always do what you have always done then you will always get what you have always got"
