What is the Warrior Diet?


Much like the Paleo Diet, the Warrior Diet is based around theories about how our ancestors used to eat – more specifically, ancient warrior societies, like the Spartans and Romans.
The 2 different ‘phases’ of the diet – the ‘fasting’ phase and the ‘feeding’ phase – are supposedly based around the human nervous system.

According to Hofmekler, during the day our body’s sympathetic nervous system is in full gear, putting the body in an ‘energy spending’ mode.

At night, our parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, putting our bodies into an ‘energy replenishing’ mode.

The diet is designed to have you fasting during the day when your sympathetic nervous system is more active, and feeding at night when your parasympathetic nervous system is working harder.

The diet argues that eating at the wrong times messes with the efficiency of your nervous system, potentially causing you to feel tired during the day and more awake at night.

The Rules

Aside from timing, the Warrior Diet has very few restrictions.

There are no firm rules governing portion sizes, macronutrients, or food choices. Instead, you should simply use hunger to dictate your food consumption during the daily ‘feeding’ window.
Basically, you would have one big meal per day, ideally 2 hours before bed, where you would consume most, if not all, of your calories for the day.

That’s it – about as simple as you can get.

However, in addition to that overarching rule, there are some other suggestions that you should follow to optimize the diet’s effectiveness, such as:

-Avoiding refined processed foods

-Eating only natural, chemical free or organic foods

-Minimizing consumption of foods that are wrapped or bottled in plastic containers

-Minimizing alcohol consumption because alcohol compromises the liver’s ability to rid the body of toxins

-Eating carbohydrates last during the evening meal in order to stabilize the level of insulin in the blood

-Cycling between high-fat and high-carbohydrate days in order to maximize the body’s energy utilization efficiency and capacity to burn fat during exercise

Taken from: http://leanmuscleproject.com/warrior-diet/

Simply this post is to open discussion and inform. Lets get to it!!! (Personalized posts to come)


  • NotYourClub
    NotYourClub Posts: 3 Member
    Here is an example of my meal 8.19.17:

    Snack: Pistachios (25 nuts)

    Salad: Organic Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber & Carrot, no dressing

    Meal 1 (20min later): Organic Pasta with Organic Shrimp & Stringbeans

    Meal 2 (45min later): Organic Chicken & Organic Rice

    101.4oz water today
    20oz black coffee in morning
    Feels absolutely satiating and kingin.

    1,252 Calories
    178g Carbs
    24g Fat
    114g Protein
    1,309mg Sodium
    20g Sugar
  • Smarttasha
    Smarttasha Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I do( IF) Intermittent Fasting 16/8 for about 3-4 mo now but I have moved up to 20/4 and I am comfortable with that. I usually drink Bullet Proof coffee for my Breakfast which I make my self and then eat my 1st. meal roughly about 3:00pm. I have also started doing the Ketogenic diet for about a month now. It makes feel really good ...because doing both kind of go hand and hand for me

    Meal 1: My Bulletproof Coffee Recipe:

    10-12oz. Organic Arabia Coffee (you can use any coffee of your choice/but not latta w sugar)
    1 Tbsp. Organic MCT Oil ( if you do not have use Coconut Oil)
    1 Tbsp. Organic Grass-Fed unsalted Butter - Kerrygold ( if you prefer you can use regular Unsalted Butter).
    1/2 tsp. Organic Vanilla Extract (optional)

    360 Calories
    0g Carbs
    0g Sugar
    0g Sodium

    Meal 2:

    Greek Salad with extra feta
    Tuna Fish salad (I use reg. Mayo not Fat Free)

    Meal 3:

    Peanut Butter Shake - If I am tired & don't want to cook ( use only Natural Peanut Butter)
    Chicken Leg, baked Parmesan Green Beans, Cloud Bread
    Unwich (No Bread) - Lettuce, Ham, Salami, Gouda Cheese - (Jimmy John's sells Unwich also)

    No eating after 7:00 for me.

  • NotYourClub
    NotYourClub Posts: 3 Member
    That's absolutely amazing, so why do you chose to eat earlier rather than in the evening when the body would more likely be in 'rest' mode.

    Do you sometimes do the 48-72 hour Fast as a cleanse or test for the body?

    Curious to see what others are doing, I've been in this for so long it is by far my favorite diet. My business partner also takes part however he would never get into the blogging or counting calories... I don't personally count until after my meals I just make sure all the foods are superfoods, organic, free range and grass fed...

    Pleased to meet you was switching to the mobile app and had to learn to navigate, I'll be posting my meal and progress tonight and be much more active now :)