September 6 sign in



  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    September 6
    Exercise yes.
    Was especially hard today. Had a sedentary day. Was such a challenge to get up and start moving. I was able to get 30 minutes of ecercise in and end up with 8000 steps. Wasn't great but I'll take it.The only reson I was able to do it was I could not see writing a no to the first question.
    Calories yes
    Tracked yes
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    yes x3, 45mins strength training and 50 mins walk.

    Approx two months since I started this round of weight loss, even though my head is better prepared with better expectations of what to expect I'm finding it a little daunting thinking about the months I've got to keep this up and although I see changes now I am nowhere near being proud of what I see in the mirror. I know that I have to be patient and I'm being much more successful at measuring myself by the process on a day to day basis and not the results.

    anyway, I'm just indulging in a moan, I just wanted to put something more than yesx3 in my update.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited September 2017
    Yes × 3! :)
    @120maggie: I tried the Halo as well and agree! I also tried the Yasso without any success.
    But I'm learning portion control; it is amazing how tiny a 1/2 cup serving is! I think the best portion size for me is 0.0 cup! :p
  • SimonsChange
    SimonsChange Posts: 230 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Went to sleep early so was late to post again and I'll be out for all of today and half of tomorrow so I should be able to post tomorrow night for today and tomorrow.
  • bocasdelbadbob
    bocasdelbadbob Posts: 111 Member
    Yes x 3

    Heh, something more than yes x 3 ...
    Hey since you guys don't know my real name I might tell you how weird I am.
    Starting with today's food.
    So I goes to the little school house. My wife is there. It is my home away from home. Actually, if I felt like having a job that is where I would have one. Nevermind that.

    I take Buddy to the cafeteria. He has his own lunch but still he is supposed to eat in there. It is part of archetypal experience of being a kid. I am happy to do that with him. I feed him. He is getting pretty good and forceful about feeding his own self with a spoon. That is one of our goals. I promised him a trip to Paris France to a tablecloth restaurant if he gets that spoon thing worked out. Awright, that ain't weird. I musta digressed.

    So I am in the cafeteria and I notice that they are feeding these kids turkey legs. Most, if not all of them kids are grossed out by them and throwing them away. Me an Buddy are trying to get thru their line. They are in line to the trash can to throw them away.

    I am all like hey kid, can I have your turkey leg. He is all like "Sure mister. here you go, you are weird." I am all like "Thanks kid."

    So I am gobbling turkey leg that almost made it to the trash can. That counts as weird.

    So me an Buddy finishes up lunch. I promised him some recess. I always give him some recess. Archetypal experience and all. You get it.

    But it is hot so I thought maybe we ought to take a detour through the admin building. There is a drinking fountain in there. I always want to see if Buddy is interested in that for a drink.

    I got him pushing his wheelchair. He ain't riding in it. That is the new rules. But we get up to the drinking fountain, I get him to let go of the wheelchair handles and kind of guide him over to the drinking fountain. I push the button, see if I can get him interested in pushing the button. He don't care about water. He had plenty out of my water bottle at lunch.

    He pulls away and he is pulling me. I am fascinated by this. Buddy wants something and he wants it bad enough to pull for it.

    Principal is there. She is fascinated by us. Lots of them teachers are. Buddy is pulling towards the teachers lounge. I tell her, "he thinks his mom is in there."

    Buddy's mom used to be PTA president. That was from all the way back to him being a wee rascal. So he knows that architecture and he has an expectation of where his mom might be.

    I didn't want to take him in there. It ain't like we are teachers lounging ... you know what I mean. But I took him around to show him his mom wasn't there.

    After that we go back outside. He is pushing his wheelchair. A little girl, she is so cool, She knows Buddy from their church. She wants a ride in the wheelchair while Buddy is pushing it.

    Heh, heh, her friends come up to her, "what's wrong?" They ask. They think something wrong because she is riding in a wheelchair. But they figure it out. Then they all want a ride, Buddy pushing them in his wheelchair.

    We push past teachers with strings of kids in tow. The kids look at us with that confused look of "...what..?" The teachers smile us some deep seated smiles.

    This is a happy place.

  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    Hi everyone sorry I have not been around much on here. I have been so busy lately. Learning about home based businesses. I have joined as a Pampered Chef Consultant and I already do homemade oil crafts and homemade candies ect. Learning the ins and outs of what I can and can't AM going back to work full time in January(Ihope) but I have to be pro-active as who knows how long I will last doing retail management full time when I go back if everything works out and I can do it then my husband Bud will help me with the home based stuff. I will do the parties (as I love the interaction with people and I have fun doing them) but Bud will help with all the prep and deliveries. I know I am CRAZY but i love being busy and this not working has been hard. Anyway I still have a lot to learn as I want to be the best I can be at anything I

    yes X 3 for me today

    exercise walking
    calories yes below
    tracking yes
    water 11 glasses

    @RangerRickL I too believe water is very important and my goal is 10-12 glasses a day, which I do faithfully. My goal is to continue this through the winter as well
    @craigo3154 So glad to hear your wife is joining you........makes things easier when we are both focussing on the same things. I have been going with Bud when he walks our dog as well, always found that hard as I am an exercise walker and they are not. Now that I am recovering and can not walk as fast it is a pleasure to go with
    @mathall I do understand what you mean. When I first started out my goal was to lose 50lbs. The first couple of months it was slow going and I wondered if I could keep going at the pace I was losing weight. I stuck with it and here I am 7 months later 30.2 pounds lighter, I stuck with it, through back surgery(which I am still recovering from). I still lose weight at a crazy low rate for the amount I have to lose(as 50 was only my first goal...LOL), I just keep telling myself I can do this and I look back to when I started and realize I AM WINNING it just takes me longer than
    @trixsey1 I love your insight.......YOU ARE AWESOME!
    @Dosse1320 WOW! Great job on your walk yesterday!!!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @trixsey1 I am so proud of you and grateful for your personal story and encouragement to @marthall and the rest of us!!!
    @bocasdelbob Dear Bob, we may not know your name, but we do know that you are a teddy bear and you love Buddy and the other kids too!! Well done, my friend!
    @marthall Keep hanging with us. Success is just around the corner, but most people quit before they even get to the corner. @pribud and @trixsey1 are great examples of overcoming our own feelings of being discouraged.