September 1 sign in



  • pahsarj1
    pahsarj1 Posts: 19 Member
    Newbie here.

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes - Ran a 5K in my record time
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, I usually do but don't ever sweat it if I go over a bit.
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes - Have done so for the past 42 days and won't be stopping anytime soon
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    I'll be back in October. I have an upcoming weekend trip with my sister and know those will be pass days. Today was also a pass day. Wishing everyone great success this month!
  • jshenber
    jshenber Posts: 21 Member
    Exercise: Yes: 1 hr remodeling (hanging a door frame), 5 hr stripping paint and staining
    Calories: Yes
    Tracking: Yes
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Late check in from me. Yes x3
    45mins Strength training before work, 40 min Walk at lunch time and After work it was straight off to camping in our friends wood. So an hour or so of moving kit about before relaxing with beer and homemade blackberry sponge by an open fire.

    @anya_000 Thanks for your comments on the Aug31st thread, I am enjoying the strengh training right now and hope that does not change.
    @pribud Thanks for your kind words on Aug 31st thread

    @120maggie If you set your expectations right then you can still have a goal that you are happy about at the end. You can get back on track after all the celebrations, so decide what you are going to do to minimuse the damage (maybe aim for a maintenance level, or a modest average deficit over the course of each week so you can make up for high days with low days). Life has to be lived after all.
    @loopydo2017 mmmm, chocolate cheesecake… you are forgiven and will still have a great month. Oh, and a late happy birthday to you.
    @windowqueen2003 “Wasn't pretty but was under”. That is what victory looks like.
    @cardio_enthusuast “COOKIES. I survived”. More victory.
    @parsarj1 “Ran a 5K in my record time”. Starting of the month with a PB, I’m rocking your style.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    lamlam2013 wrote: »
    I'll be back in October. I have an upcoming weekend trip with my sister and know those will be pass days. Today was also a pass day. Wishing everyone great success this month!

    @craigo3154 had a silver circle idea of one pass a month so come back after you weekend away :)

  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Haha oops that would be a harder challenge. I meant to write one pass a week!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    am_change wrote: »
    lamlam2013 wrote: »
    I'll be back in October. I have an upcoming weekend trip with my sister and know those will be pass days. Today was also a pass day. Wishing everyone great success this month!

    @craigo3154 had a silver circle idea of one pass a [week] so come back after you weekend away :)
    @am_change. @lamlam2013. I am working on this with @RangerRickL. Likely to start trailing this mid month this month for full inclusion in October.

    Just want to make sure the kinks are worked out. We are working on the assumption that "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."

    @lamlam2013. Keep with us. UAC is about learning to build good habits to maintain a health body for a lifetime. This does not preclude living (weekend trips, holidays, social occasions, celebrations, family, etc...). If you put off till tomorrow, you are likely to never start (and a year from now you are likely to be in exactly the same shape as where you are now, none the wiser and no better off).