Tuesday 8/29 Wind Down

BPRKEY Posts: 105 Member
Hey! This is a day late. Sorry! Tuesdays are my crazy days. Many of my patients are Spanish-speaking and then I spent 2 weeks in Cuba in the Spring so I decided I needed to learn the language. I understand a lot but I can't speak it well. Then City College of San Francisco announced they would be free for SF residents, so I started taking it this summer. Anyway Tuesdays this term I have class for 3 hours after work so I don't get home until after 9. That said, I stayed pretty on track. I took a walk mid-day. I allow myself a treat of milk tea with boba on class days (it's next to campus and the only regular access I have to it, so it's a once a week thing). But I had an apple, some grapes and pita with hummus for dinner. Salad and soup for lunch and a Turkey-sausage breakfast sandwich in the morning. A lot of walking outside of my 30 minute walk. I was up and down a lot. Almost 10K steps. So close!

How were your Tuesdays?? Ups, downs??


  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Sounds like a great day, BPRKEY. I took Spanish in HS and College was actually really good at it, but having no reason to keep the skills (living in PA and OH, not many chance to use the language) lost it all. When go to Cancun I can understand them perfectly, but I have a hard time responding. I kinda do the "Ah, crap" look. :) I tend to answer their Spanish in English and then I get embarassed.

    My Tuesday work day was slow - getting close to a holiday no one ever gets anything done around here. After work we did our usual 2 mile dog walk with Daisy, I made dinner (Portabello Sandwiches), and after I got brave and did a 20 minute Kettlebell workout I found on YouTube. I tend to hate exercise because it's exercise, but weights never bothered me. This video kicked my ever lovin' tush.

    My goal for September is up my calories a bit to 1400-1500 (I've been a bad girl and I've been eating around 1200-1300 for the month of August) and get in 3-4 days of Circuit Training/Weights of some sort. I've always been a bit of weakling. And at 38 I'm noticing things starting to get lump, bumpy and saggy.