What do you want us to know about yourself??? Please do not feel obligated to post your full name if you are not comfortable doing so.
*Group Guidelines*
1. This is a non-judgmental space. Please be respectful of each other's ideas. (We all know disrespect when we see it) 2. Please do not ask for or give medical or clinical advice. Please save those discussions for your doctors and other healthcare providers. 3. Please try to refrain from political discussions. 4.…
*Group Suggestions/Feedback*
All suggestions/feedback about how to make this a better group (while maintaining it's purpose) are welcome.
Roll Call!
Where are you from??
Read Anything Good Lately?
Besides the title, tell us a quick summary of the book (no spoilers please!), and why you like it. If you're looking for a new book, this is a good place to start.
Health and Fitness Technology
Besides, MFP, what tools do you use? Favorite app? Favorite gadget?
Weighing In
Hello hope group admin doesn't mind me sharing. If anyone is looking for a little more accountability I have been running a weekly weigh in group since January which has links to some of the helpful posts in the forums, tips on food and exercise, a weekly thread for weigh in's for whatever date suits and a monthly progress…
I hit goal today :)
So, I just wanted to share that I finally hit goal (actually dropped below it) and I'm super excited. I thought it might take until closer to my trip Nov. 11th, but it basically just dropped off this time. So, now I need support keeping it off, which has never been my "forte". I think in the last 6 years I've hit "goal"…
AMAZING Documentary
If you have not yet watched Embrace on Netflix, you must. Taryn Brumfitt is my hero.
What Can You Substitute?
Find a good substitute for a food or ingredient? Examples, "zuddles", cheese crisps instead of crackers...
Whole 30 - Miss it!!
Thinking of going back on whole 30, did it last spring/early summer, and my guts definitely felt a lot better!!! Has anyone in this group tried it? Favorited recipes, prep, etc??
The Plight of the Holiday Weekend
I don't know if UK celebrates Labor Day or not. But we just came off of a three-day weekend. Does anyone else get completely derailed by long weekends? As much as I value my time off, the structure of the work week really does keep me on track. What a conundrum! This is a nice, simple article, but I need to learn how to…
Fitness and Exercise
Do you have favorite types of exercise? Try a new class recently? Hit a new fitness goal? Post here!