AMAZING Documentary

BPRKEY Posts: 105 Member
If you have not yet watched Embrace on Netflix, you must. Taryn Brumfitt is my hero.


  • luckywizard
    luckywizard Posts: 71 Member
    That looks great! I may watch it tonight after dinner. Thanks for the recommendation :)

    You know what oddly gave me a body image boost? My husband and I went on our honeymoon in the Austrian Alps and we stayed at a hotel that had a huge sauna area... but it was co-ed naked except for these tiny hand towels! I am very cavalier about these things (when in Rome), but you quickly learn that everyone has unique bodies and the best part was that nobody really cared. I suppose in Austria (maybe Europe as a whole) they are much less body conscious than people are in the U.S. It was just so refreshing to see people of all different shapes and sizes being so chill with each other.