September Accountability & Weigh-in



  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @2tall4thisworld I think 164 is doable as you're committed.

    And thank you! I appreciate the gesture. Gaining is this weird place because I was already at my limit of what a normal person can humanly consuming in a day before this.

    I eat big meals and at least 3 snacks a day. I just have to be careful because I have bowel problems I can't eat more than a little bit of dairy, certain vegetables and a host of other stuff. Too much sugar like in smoothies gives me diarrhea. A big problem is that I don't like fatty foods like nuts (ick) and avocados (actual *gag*) or cook with [vegetable] oil (it's slimy, imo) and I'm deadly allergic to coconuts but I add them where I can in salads or snacks (- coconut) but again, they can upset my stomach. My stomach also gets upset if I eat too much meat based protein too. Honestly, my digestive system is a mess. :lol: So it's a tight wire of bloating and my body rejecting anything that isn't a vegetable while trying to consume 3,500 just to maintain on a training day. I'm just trying my best. :disappointed:
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    @glassofroses that's right I remember now we talked about IBS and digestive issues. GAH :( I hope things start looking up for you. I have been thinking of you!! I am with you on nuts (ew) I've tried so hard to like them, but they just are not my thang.
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    Weekly check-in:
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 171 lbs
    Ultimate goal: Around 132 lbs
    September goal: 152 lbs
    Sep 1 158lbs
    Sep 8 157 lbs
    Sep 15
    Sep 22
    Sep 29
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Got some strong losses going on here, ladies! Hot diggity dayum!

    Some of you must be due some rewards, y'know every 5/10lbs you lose you reward yourself, non-food related of course. If you don't do that you should. Mini motivations are so helpful.
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Height 5'7"
    HW 150lbs
    GW 122lbs-124lbs
    September GW: 124lbs

    June Start: 144lbs
    June Finish: 141lbs
    July Start: 137lbs
    July Finish: 132lbs
    August Stater: 131 lbs
    August Finish: 128 lbs

    9/2: 127 lbs
    9/9: 126lbs

    So I ate terrible yesterday (Ice cream, 2 bagels, buffalo chicken wrap) and I am all backed up now. Anyway I hope you all don't mind if I use yesterday morning's weigh in of 126 lbs instead of today which is a terrifying 4 lbs heavier (how????) Feels good to finally be exercising again! I guess I need to investigate vegetable soup a la @glassofroses ! Good job this week everyone, keep staying strong <3
  • rachls77
    rachls77 Posts: 11 Member
    It's been a difficult week for me as I'm always so exhausted when I start back at school and all exercise has gone out of the window. Eating has been a little up and down but worked out ok in the end. A little late with my weigh-in
    SW 140lb
    CW 131 lb
    GW 119 lb
    Height: 5ft 6
    Age: 40
    September GW: 126 (1lb a week)
    1st Sept - 131lb
    10th Sept - 129lb (2lb loss)
    14th Sept -
    21st Sept -
    28th Sept -
    30th Sept -

    Now I'm back at work I'm easily making 15000 to 20000 steps a day, but haven't run for over a week and haven't done 30 day shred since last Sunday - feeling a little wobbly in places, even though I've lost a couple of pounds. Trying not to panic and give up every time I slip off the wagon!
    Have a good week everyone!
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 113.4
    Sept Goal weight: 112-115

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- average of 115 as I had a crazy 4th of July trip
    Start of august-115
    Start of sept 112
    Sept 4-112.2
    Sept 11-113
    Sept 18-
    Sept 25-

    Struggles: weighing my food. I have to get back to reaching for that scale. I had a procedure done on Wednesday which prevented my short run on Friday.
    Successes: I did my long slow run on Sunday successfully. I set my parents up with mfp accounts. I am pretty sure they won't honestly use them. That makes me sad.
    Upcoming week plan: Stick to the training plan for running, add some hikes in because the course is pretty hilly and I only train on flat ground. Slowly turn the hikes into jogs.
  • Ree13x
    Ree13x Posts: 46 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age 29

    HW: 128lbs
    SW September: 118.6lbs
    Ultimate goal: 110lbs
    September goal: 115lbs

    Sept 3: 117.2
    Sept 10: 115.4
    Sept 17:
    Sept 24:

    My weight is dropping and at the moment I have no idea why because the last few days I haven't felt too hot and have been babying myself a bit (if all that sounds good to a picky stomach is a pumpkin spice iced cappuccino then that's what I'm giving it!). I'm fully aware I'll probably pay for those extra calories through the rest of the month, but if I can keep things steady where I weighed in yesterday I'll be happy with my results.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs
    SW August- 174.2 lbs

    September 1st- 168 lbs
    September 4th- 172 lbs
    September 8th- 169.1 lbs
    September 11th- 169.8 lbs
    September 15th-
    September 18th-
    September 25th-
    September 29th-

    Well yesterday I was 167.8 haha and I thought surely today I was going to break past 167 and get down into the 166 range buuuuuut turns out I went the opposite direction. I took a break from running over the weekend because I've seemed to injure my foot. Either too much running or falling improperly while climbing. :( I did do the stationary bike and row machine. I also kept good track of my calories. No falling off the wagon, so I'm surprised I went up. I am cramping slightly and feeling the effects of day 1 of shark week... soooo idk. Hopefully its bloat. I feel lighter than the scale says!

    @bringbackthejoy good for you for setting your parents up with accounts! I need to do that for my mom. Getting her to actually use it is going to be a struggle. Hopefully you are recovering well from your procedure.
  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Monday!

    August start: 147.6
    August finish: 145.6
    September 10: 145
    September 30th goal: 143ish.

    I'm 5 ft 8 inches.

    The end of February is the tower running (run up 54 flights of stairs) event I have done annually for the last 8 years. My long term goal is to be at my goal weight (or reasonably has a way of happening) of 125-130ish by then.

    My behavioral goal for this month is to preplan my meals. I've been reasonably consistent, though preplanning has not always translated into actually eating those meals. Yesterday for example, lunch was planned as salad with a slice of pizza. It turned into many slices of pizza and salad. I learned that I really need to have a planned snack between 6 a.m. when I breakfast and lunch at noon.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Height - 5' 3"
    HW - 127 (Feb 2017)
    GW - 110
    September SW - 114.8
    September GW: 113

    Sept 4: 114.4, 24.2% BF
    Sept 11: 114.0
    Sept 18:
    Sept 25:

    I had an "eh " week this past week. It wasn't horrible - I stuck pretty close to my calorie goals - but I didn't make the healthiest choices. Over the weekend, I went to the zoo and had chicken tenders & fries (can't remember the last time I ate that ... and it made me feel bloated, tired, and gross!). I also went to brunch with friends and got a Belgian waffle, but at least I only ate half.

    I also failed to make it to the gym this past week, and didn't really do any exercises at home either. That will definitely be changing this week ... especially as I am getting so close to recomp, I need to continue working out consistently!

    Also ... I completely forgot when I weighed myself this morning that I was going to be tracking BF%. So I will have to update you guys later when I get home from work about where my BF% is today.
  • whiskeystitching
    Height - 5' 8"
    HW - 161 (Sep 2017)
    GW - 135
    September SW - 161
    September GW: 157

    I am new. Hi!

    My goal this week is just to get back into the habit of calorie counting, and to start a new shoulder-focused pilates/yoga routine, because I'm always, always hurting in my neck and shoulders these days.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission I've actually come down from 4,000cals but the problem is my blood sugar. To sustain 2 hours of that level of exercise, think HIIT for 2 hours, I have to consume a lot of carbs (and food in general) or I lose focus (and get hit in the face/arm/random body part :lol:) and in some cases get faint. Currently this is as low as I can go without feeling any ill effects. I try to eat more on off days but I've found through trial and error that I need roughly 2100-2200 to maintain my weight at 145 even though I'm mostly sedentary* so there are no 'off' days of eating for me. I'm just constantly shoving food into my mouth.

    The problem with maintenance is it's a juggling act. There is a methodology to weight loss and the understanding that if you do XYZ you will have outcome A. Maintenance is like, okay so I ate that thing and then I did this thing but then I gained like 2lbs, but that's fine because I have the buffer of 5lbs (whatever you're comfortable with), but you know there is still 3lbs left in the buffer so you could totally eat this cake. When really you probably shouldn't eat the cake. It's a different animal, I will say that.

    Also petition to rename Rianne to Jon Snow. All in favour, say I.

    *my abs might be covered in fat/a tiny bit of excess skin but they're rock hard and I have a roughly 38% muscle mass which drives up my maintenance.
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited September 2017
    John Snow? I don't watch GoT...

    Thanks for the explanation re maintenance, very insightful. And given we all aim to reach that point it's helpful to have people like you and bringbackthejoy on these threads to learn from.
  • Bay004
    Bay004 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I survived Irma and the hurricane snacks we bought to get through the storm. Prayers to all suffering/ recovering from Irma and Harvey. I did jump rope, wall running, squats, and mountain climbers instead of my favorite treadmill running to try to reduce my 15 year old mommy tummy. Can it still be called a mommy tummy at this point??!!

    Goal weight 130-135. Height 5'6." Age 47

    Sept 2: 139
    Sept 9: 137
    Sept 16:
    Sept 23:
    Sept 30:
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission Jon Snow not knowing anything is the only thing I know about GOT. I tried with the first season but I found it very condescending and never tried with it again. My brother loves it though.

    TBH, if anyone found that description helpful then you should be working on the Da Vinci Code (again, no idea). I guess what I was trying to say is that there is no rhyme or reason to maintenance. There are so many variables that go into a week to ever truly be X weight consistently is very unrealistic. Which is why you have a range. I say I want to be 145 but I'll take 144-147 (if I ever reach 144. I've got my period but I think I may have broken 141 with incessant junk food for two weeks but I can't take anymore. I feel so lethargic, I just need to stop). And if we're being truthful, it is kind of hard to accept at first that you can't eat more than [maintenance calories] or you'll gain. It chafes in a way that losing weight doesn't because it is permanent whereas the WL process isn't. I think that's why some people end up regaining because they can't quite come to terms with it. I'm lucky because I have every advantage in terms of high maintenance calories: genetics, exercise and muscle mass so my heart does go out to those with very low maintenance calories. Ultimately, we have to deal with the hand we were dealt. I may win in this arena but I suck at a bunch of other stuff. :lol:
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    Yeah, I have to say for me that it doesn't feel very much like maintenance is an end point in as much as my calories are only 1490/ day which is only up a few 100. So I excercise more so I can eat more, which is pretty much what I did when I was losing. Yeesh. The hardest part is not having the satisfaction of seeing the scale drop. That was pure motivation. I changed focus to fitness goals and that has been helping a ton.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @bringbackthejoy That's really interesting to hear because my transition into maintenance wasn't particularly smooth. I found that I was undereating a fair amount when I went into maintenance because of how much MFP underestimated me so my body naturally put a bit of weight and it was pretty confusing. I would eat 2,600 on a training day and feel awful, spacey, lethargic because my body wasn't getting enough nutrients and would 'gain' weight so I did feel a bit let down by the process because I knew was burning more than what I was eating. In the end, I approached it a different way by ignoring MFP's recommendations, going up 100cals a week and I felt so much better, and my body stop holding on to that water weight and I maintained 146-147 quite happily for about 5 months.

    I struggle with fitness goals because I still don't see myself as a fit person. I am a person who does a sport. There are people who do it much better than me. My only real goals: do a push up, run 5k etc I've done already. It still gets me when I partner with someone new and they hold their hands up like 'please be gentle with me' because they've seen me demonstrating or in another session kicking people in the face because the reality is I'm actually the biggest marshmallow to ever mallow. I guess part of me will always see myself as the super unfit version of me because I was that for 26 years versus the past 2 years of being fit.