Not that heavy friends

Would love some friends who don't have that much to lose. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight and get fit. My goal is to do a triathlon!


  • Bluebell2325
    Bluebell2325 Posts: 103 Member
    Add me, I'm not really trying to lose now, just get strong. Keen runner, do a bit of cycling, think I need to be re-taught how to swim, but I would also love to try a tri!
  • LaceyLieb
    LaceyLieb Posts: 12 Member
    Add me too! Training to join a bike team
  • LisaTang789
    LisaTang789 Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me too. I'm just trying to strengthen up now after injury ready to start training for running marathons again. I've got a little bit of weight to lose (maybe 2kg), but mainly I want to get my BF% down and build muscles.