What are your nutritional goals?

I'm keeping it low carb, sugar free and as little processed foods as possible. What about you?


  • Smile276
    Smile276 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here! Going for high protein though, so I can build up muscle for martial arts. Also tryig to go for little processed foods - kind of hard since I only have access to dining hall food and my roommates' snacks as a college student.
  • Dharmatron14
    Dharmatron14 Posts: 7 Member
    Low carb, sugar free and I'm also vegan. I've been struggling with binging even on Keto though. Too much home made nut butter. Today I've had so much that I've been in a food coma for the past few hours. I need to really cut back on fat as my other macros are fine. I can't decide whether to start tracking again as I find it an additional stressor that I don't need
  • legblonde355
    legblonde355 Posts: 41 Member
    High protein/lower carb trying to eat clean with the exception of halo top. It’s the only thing that keeps me going lol