Misleading water retention?

timeflieslikeanarrow Posts: 1 Member
edited September 2017 in Social Groups
I'm 28, and seem to have a pretty easy time losing or gaining weight, according to my diet and lifestyle at any given time. But one thing that has become apparent in recent years is that it is *also* very easy for me to put on a lot of [what seems to just be] water weight, especially at times when my lifestyle is more sedentary or I'm consuming sugar or alcohol more frequently than normal.

At times, it seems like I have to act as if I'm on a diet to avoid this water retention — not the way I really want to go about my daily life! Because I shift back and forth between different lifestyles fairly often — part of the time doing physical labour on a farm in the country (pretty active); part of the time working as a writer in the city (pretty sedentary) — it is hard to maintain a routine. The water retention doesn't bother me *that* much as a matter of aesthetic, it's just that I don't feel like myself when I'm weighed down by edema!

As an extra, if TMI, bit of detail: I used to experience noticeable water retention in the week or so before my period each month. After I started using an IUD for birth control, the spells of extra water weight stopped following such a consistent pattern.

Does anyone have any experience with, or insight into, the phenomenon of water retention? Any tips for managing it? Thanks! :)